The Dragon's Secret

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In Macau, a young woman wearing a panda ring visits a Pawn Shop.

Store Clerk: May I help you?

Mai Le: Do you have any jewelry? You know, like rings and stuff?

Store Clerk: Of course. Right this way.

They walk over to the ring section, and she admires a dragon ring.

Mai Le: Ooh. Let me see that one.

Store Clerk: I'm not supposed to show that to anyone.

Mai Le: Not even me?

Store Clerk: Oh, I guess it wouldn't hurt to let you look.

He shows her the ring and she looks at the store clerk.

Mai Le: How much?

Store Clerk: I'm afraid it's not for sale. I'm just holding it for a customer.

The phone then rings and he go to answer it. Mai Le puts the box down.

Store Clerk: Chu Chow's Trading Post. Ray speaking.

Mai Le leaves.

Mai Le: Well, thanks, anyways.

Store Clerk: Look, just tie it down until I get home.

Another person enters.

Store Clerk: I'm gonna have to call you back.

He hangs up the phone.

???: I've come for my ring.

Store Clerk: Of course.

He grabs the ring box and hands it to the man and he opens it, and the ring is gone and inside was the panda ring.

???: What is this?

Store Clerk: I don't understand. It was just here.

The man conjures white lightning from his fist. Outside, Mai Le hears the screams of the store owner as she looks at the dragon ring on her finger.

Daphne, Shaggy, and Scooby are at Chen's Internet Cafe and Tea House, Shaggy is ordering food.

Shaggy: Like, I'll take a double bacon latte, dry, no whip, with a triple pump or nacho cheese. Heh, heh. Can you make that?

Chen: Make it? I invented it.

Daphne was talking with Scooby.

Daphne: Tonight's the first time my parents will see Y/N and me as a couple. I just want everything to be perfect. I'm afraid they might disapprove of him. Thanks for listening.

Scooby: No problem.

The doors open and Velma and Mai Le come in.

Daphne: Velma, over here.

Velma: Those are my friends. Watch out for the skinny, frail-looking one.

They join the group.

Velma: This is Mai Le. She's here from China on a two-week student exchange.

Shaggy: Like, who did we exchange for her?

Velma: The school's weird girl, Hot Dog Water.

Meanwhile Hot Dog Water was eating noodles.

Hot dog Water: Oh, boy.

She farts.

Hot Dog Water: There isn't gluten in these noodles, is there? Probably should have told you I have a major gluten intolerance.

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