The Gathering Gloom

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Mayor Nettles hosts a scary movie night at the cemetery and shows a Vincent Van Ghoul movie. In the movie Van Ghoul was running with Deena.

Van Ghoul: Deena, promise me that whatever happens, you won't go into the fog.

Deena: You mean, that fog all around us?

Van Ghoul: Yes, Deena, because it's-it's full of Ghouls!

Shaggy: Zoinks! Fog ghouls! Like, those are the worst!

Scooby: Yeah! Nola, cover your eyes!

A ghoul attacks Van Ghoul as he pushes Deena away.

Van Ghoul: Deena, they've got me, Deena! Their fingers Are so tingly!

Deena: No!

Van Ghoul: What's happening to me?

Van Ghoul bodies change.

Van Ghoul: ...Deena... Come into the fog. Seriously, it's actually kind of nice, like a day spa.

Deena: No. No!

Y/N was sitting with Daphne as she is snuggled up to him as Fred sits with Mayor Nettles.

Fred: I have to say, mayor nettles, this horror movie night is a huge success.

They then hear a growl.

Shaggy: I don't think that was the movie!

Suddenly a real Ghoul appears and screeches.

Scooby; A real ghoul!

Shaggy: Worse. A real graveyard ghoul!

The ghoul roars as everyone begins to flee. Scooby grabs Nova as the ghoul roars once again.

The next morning the gang was investigating the graveyard as Y/N stared at a tombstone.

Fred: That graveyard ghoul had to leave some kind of clues behind.

Daphne: Nothing here, Fred.

Shaggy: No, nothing here. Except a ton of abandoned foodstuffs left behind in last night's panic.

Scooby: Yummy, abandoned food!

Velma moves a curtain and sees the grave digger, Evallo, who looks much like the ghoul and even acts similar.

Velma: Jinkies, it's the graveyard ghoul.

Fred: Don't be silly, Velma. That's Evallo. He works here as the gravedigger. He's helped me bury a few things more than once over the years. Hi, Evallo.

Evallo: Be gone, scarved one.

Fred: Good to see you, too, old buddy.

Velma: Guys, it's him. It's so obvious. Evallo is the graveyard ghoul. Evil and...

Scooby: Nah.

Daphne: Sorry.

Shaggy: Don't see it.

Velma: What?

Fred: Velma, I'm surprised at you. That's villain profiling. We don't do that. We investigate every angle of every mystery, like why that picturesque little house I've never seen before is over there. Come on, gang. Let's check it out. You coming, Y/N?

Y/N: I'll be with you in a moment.

They leave as Daphne looks back while Evallo growls.

Velma: Guys? Guys? You see that? He's growling at me. Actually growling!

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