The Poet's Note

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"First of all, I would like to thank all of the people who pushed me to publish this piece of poetry of mine, especially my two best friends, Chelsea and Rana, who write stories and poems. And to the other people who helped me get through this, and you know who you guys are, and a special mention to Luke for giving me a new pen name. I love you and you are the best. I want to thank my mother and God for helping me cross the obstacles that I have ever encountered at the age of 18. And one last thing, to the person I wrote this poem about, I want you to know that despite all the pain that you gave me, I'm still thankful because I made this pain my masterpiece. And if you're going to think that I should be grateful, no, honey, I did all the work on myself, you just gave me the pain. I still wish you the best. :) 

 If you guys are wondering why it is called the "Forced Ending" in the end, well, I decided to end writing the poem because, for me, I think I wouldn't move on if I'm still writing the pages of it. I want to move forward and chase my dreams as a poet and an author, and I don't want to sit all day and cry about someone who didn't see my worth, my effort, or my love in our relationship. And if there's one thing that I learned from the poem that I wrote about, forgiving the person a lot of times makes them think that it's okay to hurt you more than twice.

People would think that your kindness is your weakness, so they will try to take advantage of you, and if they get what they want from you, they're just going to leave with no explanation, and those are the worst types of people. You are willing to help them, and you're trying to understand them because you think they were misunderstood, but actually they're just manipulating you to make you feel sorry for them. Not only did I get cheated, but he also came back just to use me for his own gain. So the lessons are finally learned, and I'm ready to move forward. I'm not going back to the restaurant where the chef made me feel less of a person. 

I hope to the readers who are reading this right now won't get to experience the same way I did. And for the readers who get to experience the same situation as mine, I want you to know that the person who did that to you will get the karma that they deserve. It doesn't matter if it takes days, weeks, months, or even years. The karma would always come for them, no matter what, I want you to know that you deserve better than this. I mean, WE deserve better than this. A real man would never treat you less of a person, a man would see your efforts and kindness, and they're not going to view it as your weakness or an advantage to boost their own ego. This doesn't only happen in a relationship but also in friendship, so the best revenge is to work on yourself, use your flame of determination to be successful, and use your pain as an art, skill, or even a talent to reach your dreams. 

"Sadness and pain are the best pawns, either you use them as a weapon or it will be a weapon that will destroy you endlessly." 

- Quinn Hade 

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