People are saying that Steph is going to beat me up.

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April 2, 1998

There is a dance tomorrow night, and I think it is going to suck. People are saying that Steph is going to beat me up. I just want to be like, fine, you hate me, who care. But she has to drag it all out and she wants to fight me.

Today, after school, I went over Alicia’s house. When I was walking home later, I saw Andrew and Chris Walker riding toward me on their bikes. I tried to move to the other side of the street, but they kept swerving so they were right in front of me. Finally, they braked.

Andrew said, “Emily, I need to talk to you… over here.” I went up to him and he said softly, “Will you hook up with Chris?”

I said, “No, of course not!” And walked away. Chris is Alicia’s ex boyfriend and I think they still kind of like each other.

[The whole riding-a-bike-toward-you-and-braking-at-the-last-minute thing is quite terrifying to me. Why do people use it as a flirting mechanism? It’s just threatening.]

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