"Don't you EVER fucking TOUCH me again, you STUPID SLUT!"

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May 19, 1999

Steph is the biggest bitch. What goes around comes around, and I think it's about to hit her full force. Steph and Erin are in a fight. This is why: Steph is going out with Matt now, and she saw Erin giving him a back rub. I guess that really pissed her off.

Today at the beginning of 5th period, Erin and I passed Steph in the hall. Erin wanted to make up, I guess, and she started to say, "Steph..." gently touching her forearm. Steph completely flipped out and screamed, "Don't you EVER fucking TOUCH me again, you STUPID SLUT!"

Then she put her hand on Erin's throat, pushed her up against a locker, and tore out a chunk of hair from the side of her head. It all happened really quickly, and then Steph turned and left. She didn't make eye contact with me at all.

I ran up to Erin, who was just standing there staring after Steph. I led her to the nurse's office, and she had her hand on the side of her head but didn't say anything the whole time. I'm not really good friends with Erin, so I didn't know what to say to her.

Steph was suspended for the rest of the day, which doesn't seem like too horrible of a punishment. But everyone really likes Erin. She has a brother in the 8th grade, and all his friends are saying they're going to kick Steph's ass.

I know it sounds mean, but I hope everyone turns against her. And because she was so cruel to everyone else, she won't have anyone to fall back on. But she's still friends with Kaylee, Catherine, Emma, and all them, and Matt won't dump her because he is a good boyfriend. [...Really? Matt?] I feel bad for her, but it was crazy how she attacked Erin like that.

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