A genuine smile that starts on the inside and shines its way through to my face.

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April 25, 2000

On May 4-6 is the 8th-grade class trip to New York, which will be beyond fun! Then on June 9 is the semi-formal dance, and my mom is taking me shopping for a dress tomorrow, hopefully. Then we get out of school on June 15! I can't even believe it - this school year has completely flown by. I don't want to go to high school! So many things will be different. Jenna is moving away on May 15th, but she's finishing 8th grade here. But she won't be there once we start 9th grade! And James is going to start at Catholic school. I'm going to miss them both so much.

Anyway, this Friday is the last dance before the semi-formal! It is going to be so much fun. Then, on Saturday, Daniel is having a party at his house. This is going to be the first party at a boy's house. They never have parties! Well, sometimes on their birthdays they go like, paint balling with a group of friends or something, but they never have big, fun parties.

Today, James pulled me over in the hall to tell me, "Steven's going to ask you out on Friday. I told him to just do it now, but he wants to ask you out then because it's the last dance and it's special or something." I hope he does ask me out at the dance, because I really like him. But before I say yes, I am going to make him promise that no matter what, when we break up we have to stay friends.

I feel like I lost one great friendship when Tyler dumped me, and I'm not going to lose another one, ever! [Spoiler alert: I've lost other friendships. It happens.] The thing I like most about Steven is that he makes me smile. And it's not just a surface smile, like most of my smiles are - it's a genuine smile that starts on the inside and shines its way through to my face.

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