Chapter Thirty-Five

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NOVEMBER 1st, 2019


    Camping sucked.

    Especially in the rain.

    I had humorously under packed for this exposition to get to the Maeve kingdom. All I had brought with me was a very large backpack, the same one I left the Flore Albo pack with, which was filled with certain necessities. These were things such as, a blanket, which was tied up above my head so I didn't get wet. A sword, that was technically on my belt. Books about ruling a kingdom. Food for a week, and map to get to the Maeve Kingdom.

    Traveling light was an understatement. I hadn't even packed a jacket, thinking that I wouldn't need one. The rain proved me wrong. Way wrong. Now I was sitting up against a tree, my blanket above me, my hands hugging my sides trying to contain all my body warmth, shivering in my boots.

    I had already been traveling for two days, and I've had to do it all on foot, due to the fact that I had decided to pack things in the first place. I can shift into my Shadow Wolf form with my clothes, though a backpack, not a chance. The fire in front of me was letting out only smoke due to the rain trying to smother it.

    I just sighed, and tried to close my eyes. If I go to sleep, then I won't feel pain. Though a twig snapping made the thought of sleeping evaporate completely. "Who's there?" I shouted out. I sat up straighter, a hand now on my sword. Though honestly, I had just brought it for hunting and gutting animals. If I were to really protect myself I would certainly just use my Shadow Wolf form.

    From across the fire I saw a large brown wolf emerge from the shadows. It's yellow eyes glaring into my own. I frowned, sniffing the air. He smelled like wet dog, with a tinge of pumpkin, certainly not a rogue. I let out a sigh of relief.

    "I mean no harm." I raise my hands, my sword still resting against my bent knees if something decided to go south. "Just passing through, I'll be gone by morning." I assume I was currently within a pack territory, for I'm passing through the werewolf part of the continent.

    He shifted into his human form. Had to admit, he was a good looking wolf, his chestnut hair matched with his dark brown eyes and tanned olive skin. There was something about him though that reminded me of someone. He had to be in his late teens, early twenties, he was young.

    He sniffed the air, "you are a werewolf." He had a thick accent, I most definitely was in the Western part of werewolf country. I just nodded my head.

    "You can say that." I smiled, I was a werewolf, just a weird genetic mutation of one. My hands were still shaking slightly from the cold. I wrapped them back around myself.

    "What pack are you from?" He stepped closer, I would have be worried, though he didn't pose a threat to me. I think he was just curious about who I am.

    "Flore Albo." Technically I still was apart of the pack because I didn't go through the whole pack rejection part. Nobody wants to be labeled a rogue, that's probably why Alpha hadn't even offered. Gosh, it seems like it's been forever since I had been home. "Do you know what territory I'm within?"

    "Salieces Ambulatories," he sat on the log across from the fire. He never took his eyes off me and rarely blinked. If my translations were correct, the name translated to Willow Walkers, an ally to the Flore Albo pack. I guess it was my lucky day.

    "Why are you here." He didn't talk much and was trying to get as much information out of me as he could. Though he didn't need to do it by force because I wasn't making myself a threat to his pack. As well as being apart of the Flore Albo pack which granted me asylum in his territory.

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