Chapter Thirty-Nine

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November 7th 2019

Heyyo dumb author here. There is an authors note at the bottom. 10/10 would appreciate if you read it.


    I slept in. The sun was now high into the sky, I should have been up hours ago, though to leave this bundle of joy would be nothing short of a sin.

    Our naked bodies were still intertwined, her legs entangled with mine. She was using my arm, that has now long since gone numb, as a pillow. While with my free hand I slowly ran my fingers through her hair.

    When I notice her looking at me last night, I had just wanted to tease her. I feel like till now, our lives have just been full of stress. I didn't want to be the cause of her stress. The thought pulls on my heart.

    My past self would be mocking me now. I used to live and die by the 'Lifelong Bachelor' title with my friend Xion. Though now this girl, this woman, had turned my basic little life all tipsy turvy.

    In my hundreds of years, I had never been much of a womanizer, I never wanted them to have any of my attention. I realize now, that I saving all my attention for her.

    For our future children.

    The thought brought a smile to my face. We would raise them brilliantly well. Her kindness and quiet fury, my stubbornness, which I would just consider undying perseverance, and my sense of justice, they would be unstoppable.

    She would be an amazing mother, the thought made my eyes prickle a bit. I still couldn't imagine that I had actually been blessed with her. I don't know what gods favored me, but I was internally grateful.

    She would be my general, the mother of my children, my lifelong partner, my forever ally, and the queen of my country. Our country.

    I felt her stir, "Zaivinth?" She let out a morning groan, she squeezed me a bit like she was wondering if I was still there. I chuckled.

    "Sleep, my love," I kissed the bridge of her nose. She let out a soft groan before her breaths evened out again.

    It was her first time last night. She had given me her first. The thought filled me with joy. What an honor it was to be her first.

    Though that also filled me with dread. What if I was a horrible mate and father? What if I turned out like my own father? My mother wasn't my fathers mate, though his mate had died years before, she was just his replacement.

    The constant terrors that I had to watch my mother go through sent chills down my spine.

    So I killed him. He was my first kill, I was eighteen, it seemed like lifetimes ago. Though I guess it was.

    He had sent me off to military school when I was nine, and I trained and trained. He would always praise me on my hard work, telling me that I would be a great king. What he didn't know is that I worked so hard so I could just kill him with ease.

    I would make him pay for turning my mother into his own punching bag. It was my job and duty to my mother, to put him into a body bag.

    And that's what I did. What if I get the same treatment from my own sons and daughters? What if I start to follow down my fathers path? What if I'm the same monster he is?

    No. No. I am strong man. And I am nothing like my father. I can deal with my problems on my own.

    I loved her. One doesn't hurt the people they loved. Then I frowned, poor Xion. He hasn't found the one that he would love for the rest of his life.

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