Chapter Fifty

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December 5th 2019


    We were on the move again. The werewolves had left last night to get the surprise attack on the Twin. We were following behind them, we were going to the anvil and hammer tactic. The werewolves, a strong second to the Dragons, will hit them head on, and just like last time, we will come in and corner them. It was a simple tactic for success.

    They had much more men then we did, which means that we needed to end the war swiftly. Not to mention that I had to be back to the Ash Palace in a month to deal with my fishy friends. I couldn't miss that day, regardless of missing a battle.

     "My feet want to die," I groaned jokingly, I was once again a pack horse, carrying all I could on my back. We have been walking for about eight hours, which was horrible for me.

    "I told you I could carry some of your stuff," my mate who was walking right next to me in his dragon form. He was also carrying a few loads on him. He was looking at me with worry as I slowly stepped over a fallen log.

    I stomped down, trying not to lose my balance to the soft earth. "I'm fine, I'm fine, we are almost there." I shrugged him off and focused on walking.

    "It was a mistake allowing you to get to the supplies before me," he mumbled under his breath. I gave him a toothy grin. Yes it certainly was a mistake.

    There was a shadow and wings above us for a second. Then shortly after Cebrus landed right in front of us. He was not carrying anything besides a backpack. "Good morning Cebrus," I said as he fell into pace with myself and my mate.

    "I come to warn you," he ducked his head and held up hand to his lips to stop others from tuning in. He glanced between both myself and my mate.

    "What? What's wrong?" I looked at Cebrus with wide eyes. He rarely talked, this must be truly urgent. "Does Xion know?"

    He shook his head and looked around us once more. Everyone seemed to be paying attention to other things. He got closer to us, whispering, "Azai cannot be trusted."

That was a shock to my system. "Why?" I had my eyebrows raised, puzzled by this news. I looked over to my mate to see his face expressionless. What are you thinking?

I am surprised, but yet again, not at all.

That sent me through another wave of confusion. How did Cebrus get this information?

"Azai is here. He was following you both last night." That's probably where I had saw Cebrus is the shadows.

"Isn't he supposed to be back at his castle? With all the other kings?" I gasped looking between the two trying to see if I was the only one thinking this.

    "Exactly," my mate grumbled. "My spies say he's there right now," his eyes snapped to Cebrus. "How could it be he is here too?"

    Cebrus shrugs, "guess as good as mine..." he sighed slumping his shoulders. His words cut off due to his years of being socially awkward.

    "Do you think he is a spy for Kolgrims army?" I addressed the elephant in the room.

    Cebrus' face paled slightly, his eyebrow twitching with worry. I looked to my mate to see a concerned face. "Yes, probably, most likely." Zaivinth was thinking out what to do next.

    "It makes sense, that would explain how Kolgrim got the jump on us going to Azai's castle." He growled, a chill ran down my spine.

    "Okay, so let's say he is a spy." I took a deep breath, "he knows all our battle plans. Which means the werewolves are about to walk into a massacre."

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