CH 36 Nice to meet you

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"Coco Lee...?" I whispered, as my eyes laid set; mesmerized on the she-wolf.

I recognized her instantly. I had feelings for her since the day she protected me.

Cornelius grinned, putting his arm around my shoulder. Of course they were rigged with muscle. Nearly every female here loved this man. He was tempting to touch.

Little did they know he kinda was a dick.

"Yeah, that's the one. She's my next prey." He said, grinning with fang.

I hid my frown, hating the fact that Cornelius saw every women here on school grounds as livestock. Not only was Coco his next target... He saw women as toys. Easy to play with and easy to toss away. It didn't matter who you were.

You were nothing to him.

Snapping out of my thoughts, he whispers, "Hey... I have an idea."

"What?" I asked, cocking a brow.

Calvin, Andrew, and Justin overhear our ongoing conversation and stopped what they were doing. They wanted in on what Cornelius was planning.

He smirks with mischief, "How about you... go do the work for me?" He suggests.

"What work?" I said, crossing my arms.

Andrew scoffs, "Dumbass. He means go woo her. Go befriend her or some shit and get to know her."

Justin claps his hands in excitement. "Ohh, I see where this is going. Cornelius, my dude. You want him to befriend Coco, learn everything about her, and then report back to you?"

Cornelius nods, "Exactly. It takes too much for females to fall for us these days. They're a lot of work and it fucking drains me. That's why I rather have you..." he points to me, "do the work for me. You're a respectable guy. These girls love you. Besides, once you report back to me, I will know everything I need to know and it'll be hella easy for her to fall for me."

I rolled my eyes, finally having a frown evident on my face. "If I do the work for you, she might end up falling for me instead of you. We all have trust issues, so it'll take more than a few words to make someone like you."

If she falls for him... I'd hurt like a fucking bitch.

"Well, we'll figure it out when the time comes." Cornelius says, dismissing my comment.

I was shaking my head, "No, I don't think this is a good idea. It sounds plain wrong."

Or because I don't want him to have a chance with her...

Calvin laughed in a teasing tone. "Don't tell me you're a pûssy... are you? Are you scared that you might break your friendship with Coco Lee? Or worse? She's just a girl man. Get over it."

My friends all nodded, as Cornelius wrapped it up with, "Grow a pair of balls. Are you in this or what?" He said, glaring at me.

The pressure was seriously on me at this point. I knew that if I didn't accept, I'd be officially out of the popular boys group. It took me awhile to reach this level of coolness and I've done more stupid shit before than woo a girl. I didn't want to become a laughing stock and it would have taken the snap of the finger for Cornelius to make that happen.

But how about my feelings for Coco?

Fuck it... it's not like she'll return them anyways.

Taking a deep breath in, I look at Cornelius head on.

"I'm in."


I watched in the distance as Coco was putting her belongings into her locker. It was a perfect moment for me to make my move, but I was nervous as fuck.

Coco and I were never close, but that didn't mean we didn't have any classes together or hung out once of twice. She was a intelligent and sweet girl.

And I certainly didn't want to do this...

Taking a deep breath in, I closed my eyes and opened them. I was fully in control with the support of my wolf, Xenon.

'You sure you want to do this, human? I do not feel at ease with the situation at hand.' He growls, pacing around back and forth in my head.

"I don't really have a choice..." I whispered to myself, letting my wolf feel my wariness. Sacrifices had to be made.

'While this isn't exactly a sacrifice... I'll follow you through thick and thin then. Since you're so sure.' he growled softly, tilting his head to the side.

I blinked once, confirming his words.

The plan was to follow those cliché scenes I heard from my friends. They tell me how their girlfriends forced them to watch the cheesiest shit and how emotional their girlfriends got afterwards. One of my friends admitted he got emotional too... but he got laughed at by Cornelius.

Usually, it'd be some guy who is the protagonist's love interest and he'll bump into her by accident; making her belongings fall. They'd go down at the same time to pick the stuff up and that's where the love story begins.

Frowning once more, I was hoping this plan would work.

As Coco closed her locker, my plan was in action. I quickly ran to my 'class' and as I past Coco, I purposely bump into her.

With a thud, her binders all fell and I could hear a hiss of pain.

The people around us kept walking as they glanced at what had happened. Some offered to help, but I beat them to it. I could hear the gasp of shock from Coco. Her surprise quickly formed to anger, as I sought to immediately apologize.

"I am so sorry. Are you all right?" I said, making my facial expressions seem genuine.

She looked at me, realizing who I was and fell silent. A frown only evident. "I'm fine. I want to know why you were running in the halls though. You could have seriously injured someone!" Coco said.

"... I was running to my Calculus class. I've already missed a class yesterday because of a party. Didn't want to fall more behind." I said, telling a white lie.

In reality, I don't really give a shit about school. Some of the courses we learn are not even needed later on in life.

I'm already intelligent... so I don't really need to do much anymore.

Coco looked at me for a few seconds, scanning me if I was telling the truth. She then sighed, "Well... as long as you apologized, you're good." She went to pick up her belongings, but I was already ahead of her.

"Here, let me help." I said, picking up her binders and handing them to her.

Noticing in the corner of my eye as Coco took the binders I handed to her, there was a slight bruise on her shoulder. Regret and concern grew within me, as I wish I didn't partake in any of this mess.

I just hurt someone I care deeply for...

"You have a bruise..." I mentioned, looking at her shoulder.

Coco glanced at her injury and smiled, "It's not a big deal. Us werewolves can heal fast."

"Let me make it up to you." I said, frowning.

She tilted her head, "With what?"

"I'll treat you to dinner."

"Dinner? Oh boy, no. You don't have to. You're being dramatic." Coco said, motioning her hand in a dismissive way.

"It's free food." I said, wiggling my eyebrows in an attempt to make her laugh.

She did laugh, finally agreeing. "Ahh, fine. Only because you said it's free. My wolf wants a piece of this invitation as well."

I nodded, "Pick you up at 8pm tomorrow?"

"Sounds like a deal. See you then." Coco said, smiling as she tucked some hair behind her ear.

We parted ways and as I walked away...

I couldn't help but feel like I was deceiving her.

Rejecting Azrael | ✔️On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara