The Storm

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Aya's POV

I shot awake when I felt pressure on my stomach. I gasped with a startled look on my face and saw that Momo had leaped on my stomach along with Katara and Sokka.

Sokka halfheartedly wielded his weapons. "What's going on? Did we get captured again?"

"It's nothing. I just had a bad dream." Aang shook his head with dismay before curling up into a ball next to me. "Go back to sleep."

Sokka curls up. "Don't have to tell me twice?"

Katara and I exchanged worried looks before she lays back down and I turned to Aang concerned.

"Are you alright, Aang?" I asked him.

"I'm okay." Aang responded but I knew something was bothering him I could feel it.

"You seem to be having a lot of nightmares lately. You want to tell me about it?" I offered not taking my eyes of his body.

"I think I just need some rest," Aang said but I wasn't buying it.

"You guys want to hear about my dream?" Sokka suddenly asked sitting up. Katara sat up and with both glare at him. Sokka's face drops. "That's okay, I didn't want to talk about it anyway."

Sokka and Katara both lay back down and I give Aang one last look of concern before falling asleep again.


Morning came and were about to take off again into the skies. My siblings were packing everything up for our trip and Aang and I sat on Appa waiting.

"Look at those clear skies buddy!" Aang gestured to the sky and petted his head. "Should be some smooth flying."

"Well, we better smoothly fly ourselves to a market," Katara suggested as she and Sokka boarded Appa. "Cause we're out of food."

"Guys, wait. This was in my dream." Sokka stopped us and we turned to him. "We shouldn't go to the market."

"What happened in your dream?" Katara asked out brother.

Sokka's eyes bugged out in terror. "Food eats people!"

I rolled my eyes and turned away from Sokka in annoyance.

"Also, Momo could talk. You said some very unkind things."


We found a nearby market and went to check it. They had food stands which were perfect for us.

"Ahh, it's good. It's perfect, I'm telling you!" The Merchant woman scowled my sister who was suspiciously eyeing a watermelon.

Katara shakes the melon which emits an audible slashing sound.

"I don't know if I like the sound of that swishing," Katara told the woman who looked irritated.

"Swishing means it's ripes! It's the ripe juices swishing, eh?" The lady chirped walking around the stand to her.

"I think it's true Katara. Swishing means, it's ripe." Aang agreed.

"I just realized we're out of money anyway," Katara admitted, putting the melon back.

"Awww!" The woman groaned and grabbed the basket Sokka had from his hands in annoyance.

Sokka walked past the woman who indignantly kicked him. Sokka let out a cry of pain and I giggled.

The four of us stood on the docks and we didn't know what to do.

"Out of food and out of money. Now, what are we supposed to do?" Sokka asked downcasted.

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