The picnic

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"Don't judge what people do, if you don't know what they've been through. "


I remembered Anne wanted to go there with me and then realised that I haven't talked to her since the day she arrived even when she is staying here with us. I immediately feel bad and go to her bed chambers. I knock on her door and she orders the guards to open the doors.

"Hey Anne. How are you? " I ask her stepping inside her chambers once the doors open.

"Hi. I'm good. Congratulations Sister-in-law", she says embracing in a bear hug. All the maids standing there gasp in horror at her behaviour. I am myself shocked.

"Uh... thanks Anne", I say rather awkwardly.

"So what are you doing here?" she asks after in letting go of me.

"I was just going to visit the orphanage and thought of asking you to accompany me."

"Oh wow. I wanted to get out for some fresh air. This is great. Let's go there", she says excited and laces her arm around mine and smiles brightly at me. She's so cute and bright.

We go to the orphanage together and play with the kids. They were all my friends. They never ceased to bring joy to me. I ordered some snacks for them and we went to a lake. I was eating a cheese salad while Anne played hide and seek with the kids. I don't know how she manages to run in that awfully heavy gown without tripping. I can't even run in comfortable clothing and don't get me started about running in heels. I shudder at the thought of running in heels . I inhaled the fresh breath of air and stretched my arms. It felt so good to be out in a sunny day with cool breeze today.

"Anne, where are you?" A raspy voice says startling me from my bliss. I crane my neck to see Ramsey standing behind me in black suit. I'm not telling you that he's looking good in it. Okay I just didn't say that.

"Where is Anne?" he asks coming near me.

I pretend to look around me. " Uh.. Are you talking to me?" I ask pointing towards myself. I know very well he's talking to me.

"It's not like anybody else is here besides you and me. So cut this act and tell me where she is", he says massaging his temples.

"Uh let me see. I'm not telling you", I reply and mentally fist bump.

"Look please just tell me where she is. This is very important", he says in a pleading manner.

I sigh, "Why would I tell you where she is. Go find her yourself."

"Just tell me where she is. Can't you understand the meaning of important. I need to find her as soon as possible. She'll choke to death if I don't", he yells at me and I stand up immediately.

"What do you mean she'll die. What's wrong with her?" I ask in concern.

"Rose, Rose. Anne is not moving", Jenny comes running.

"Where is she Jenny? Can you take us there?" I ask panicking.

She takes us where she is and we see her lying on the ground not moving just as Jenny told us.

"What's wrong with her?" I ask Ramsey.

He doesn't respond to my question. Instead he produces a inhaler from his suit pocket and puts it between her lips and pumps for a few time. He does that for several excruciatingly long minutes and finally Anne starts choking. She steadies her breath, still lying on the ground. Ramsey helps her get up once her condition stables.

"I told you thousands of times to take your inhaler with you. Why don't you ever listen to me?" Ramsey says taking leaves out of Anne's hair in a rather calm and collected manner like nothing happened few minutes ago.

"Sorry brother. I forgot to bring it with me", she says and hugs her brother.

"Can someone explain to me what just happened?" I ask frustratingly.

"Uh sorry Rose. I have asthma and I got out of breath while running but I'm glad brother found my inhaler and came. I'm okay now", she says assuring me.

"Let's leave now Anne", Ramsey helps Anne get up and takes her in his car not once looking at me or asking me for a ride. I just stand there like a fool while they drive away.

I take the kids back to the orphanage and go back home. I go to my bed chambers and Aria comes after me.

"So, how was everyone?" she asks sitting on my bed.

"Fine. Jenny said hi and that she misses you", I tell Aria.

"Aw she's the cutest. Hey, why did Anne come with Ramsey way before you. Everything good between you?"

"Yeah, she kind of fainted because of her asthma. Now she's okay."

"Oh. Poor Anne. I hope she gets better."

"Me too."


Hey amazing readers!

So, our Anne has Asthma. I feel so bad for her because she can't play and run freely like a normal person.

Yes, I get emotional for my characters. I am really weird.

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