Chapter 12

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Once we arrived to the capital we told Kaito about our plans to take Azula out of the institution back into the palace. Kaito of course, thought that the plan was crazy and argued with us a lot but we managed to convince her to go along with it. Even if this was an extremely big risk, as long as the Kyoshi Warriors, Kaito, Zuko and I were there we all assumed we could handle the situation.

The sun was setting when we all stood awkwardly outside of Ozai's cell. Kaito came back from the institution with Azula, who was in a straight jacket and sat in a wheelchair. Once Azula was inside we shut the door and watched from the door's peephole simply hoping for something about Lady Ursa to come up in their conversation.

"The Yu Dao summit seems to have calmed you down," Kaito said, crossing her arms, finally happy that Zuko is feeling better.

"Yea, your more upbeat than-," Suki tried to compliment but was cut off.

"My usual dour self," Zuko replied, making me stifle a laugh.

"I didn't say that. I'm- We're glad to have you back Zuko," Suki corrected making Kaito raise her brow and look at me.

I softly shrugged, returning the slightly confused look to Kaito as Zuko continued.

"Aang wants Yu Dao to be the prototype for a new kind of city, one that unites the four nations,"

"That sounds exciting!" Ty Lee said happily.

"It sounds idealistic," Zuko replied.

"The world could use a little more idealism don't you think?" I said, looking into the peephole from behind Zuko.

"We sure need it now considering our current course of action," Kaito said, in a bit of a worried tone.

Zuko, Kaito and I all kept our eyes on the two but neither of them had uttered a word to each other the entire time. I deeply sighed, finally breaking my gaze from the two.

"Have they said anything to each other?" Zuko asked Kaito.

"Nothing yet," She replied.

"Not even "Hi' or "How are ya?" Or-" Ty Lee said but was cut off by Zuko.

"Open the door," Zuko said, making Kaito quickly do as she was told

"You're bringing them tea?! Zuko, they're your prisoners, not your guests!" Suki argued.

"Suki, let him handle this," I said, making her calm down.

"Even if they're my prisoners they're still my family," Zuko added"Azula-,"

Zuko barely managed to call her name as she yanked the tray out of Zuko's hand making him fall to the ground. I snapped my head to Ozai who smirked to see his son on the floor as we all were quickly scrambled to ease the situation.

I thought I told you to know your place.

I kept calm, even though in the inside I was fuming. I couldn't make things worse for Zuko right now, we needed information, and I was willing to be civilized. Even if the people I needed to be civilized with were the only two people on earth who could make me this tense.

"How did you expect me to drink tea while wearing a straightjacket, Zuzu?! Did you want to watch me lap at it like some kind of animal?!" Azula yelled.

"Ty Lee!" Kaito angrily called out.

"No, I-" Zuko said trying to defend himself.

"Wait!" I tried interjecting but it was too late. Ty Lee had already started Chi blocking Azula.

"She's already restrained! You don't need to chi block her!" Zuko said but Azula was now on the floor.

"Ah my old friends Kaito and Ty Lee. Tell me how she got to the both of you and Mai! How'd she make you lose your fear of me?!" She said her pupils dilated, a manic look painted the once cold and perfect face she always held when I was held in the palace against my will.

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