Chapter 26

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That night we spent about 2 restless hours creating an alternative route back to the royal palace, trying our best to not arouse suspicions to the public about this change of plans. It wasn't much time but we were able to come up with a solid plan to be able to make it from harbor city to the capital safely. After sending the messenger hawk back to Kaito, Zuko and I laid against the wall with all the crumbled sheets of paper still across the floor and fell asleep immediately.

The next morning came quickly and as soon as the sun rose, so did I. Softly groaning awake I met Zuko's closed eyes as he quietly huffed out breaths of air, causing the small hairs he had covering his eyes to slowly move. I smiled before blowing a bit of air to his face, moving the stray strands of hair he had left on his face he fluttered his eyes open at the contact of the gentle cool air I blew his way. Looking at me almost in a daze from still being half asleep, leaning down and kissing my forehead. I curled a bit inwards from the sudden contact, a small groggy early morning laugh left my lips, making Zuko smile. Seemingly pleased with my reaction he got up to prepare to leave the room. And so I did the same.

We walked out and ate a light breakfast with Lady Ursa, Kiyi and Noren before arriving at the location we told Suki, which was only a few miles from our original destination.

"Zuko, you sure we're on the right course? That doesn't look like Harbor City," Lady Ursa asked in confusion.

"Change of plans. We've arranged for some friends to meet us here," Zuko said sending me a nod. I took a deep breath, our plan to get to the capital has just begun.

The sound of rumbling becoming louder signaled the submarine's arrival as it made mechanical gasps for air emerging next to the boat, earned a loud interest from the little girl who stood next to Zuko and I, "Wow! What is that?!"

"A submarine," Zuko replied in a smile.

"It's a ship made to go underwater. It's based on the designs my brother made," I added, still proud of Sokka's idea.

"The funny guy with the boomerang?" Noren asked.

"That's him," Zuko said as I quickly nodded.

Once the door of the submarine opened Iroh and Kaito quickly come out and made their way over.

"Nephew!" "Zuko!" Iroh and Kaito said happily.

"Kya!" They both continued in unison.

"Uncle! Kaito!" Zuko replied with a big smile.

"Iroh. Kaito," I smiled hugging Kaito tightly as Iroh hugged Zuko.

"Thank you for watching over things while I've been away. Once again, I don't know how to repay you," Zuko said, feeling a bit indebted just by seeing Iroh again.

"Seeing that your trip was successful is repayment enough!" Iroh said.

"Trust me we both missed you two. But the palace is a lot more lively now that Iroh paid a visit," Kaito said looking slightly exhausted, her eye bags were slightly evident.

"I'm sure it is," I laughed, knowing Iroh had everyone drunk on tea and playing Pai Sho as he and Kaito did all the heavy work.

"Iroh!" Lady Ursa called out walking towards us.

I could hint that Kaito was a bit jittery, nervous but relived.

"Lady Ursa, I'm deeply grateful for the opportunity to see you again! Let me express how sorry I am for the pain you suffered at the hands of my family," Iroh said apologetically.

"Iroh what are you apologizing for?" Lady Ursa softened and hugged him,"Your presence in the family always gave me hope,"

"And you Kaito," She smiled.

"It's a pleasure Lady Ursa," Kaito smiled.

"Kaito, what's with the formalities?" Lady Ursa said, making Kaito stiffen a bit our of embarrassment,"You've grown so much," She said, hugging Kaito.

"I never thought I'd see you again, Ursa," Kaito said unable to look at her,"Welcome back,"

Zuko watched the two with a smile before looking at me as Iroh approached me for a hug.

"Iroh," I said cheerfully," We played Pai Sho on the way back,"

"Oh really," Iroh replied, cocking his brow and looking at Zuko who grumbled a bit," Well it seems like I'm at fault for driving a wedge between you both," He chuckled.

"It's not like that uncle," Zuko quickly replied.

"No one said a little competition is a bad thing Nephew. Even between lovers," Iroh said, trying not to laugh at Zuko's expression. 

"Suki," I greeted as I reached out my hand to help her down from the plank.

"It's good to see you Kya," Suki smiled and gave me a quick hug.

"Thank you for helping Kaito prepare all this," 

I pulled her over to Zuko and Kaito who were talking amongst each other, however having Suki hold my hand for too long earned myself a glare from Zuko. Internally snickering at how serious he seemed I quickly let go.

"No problem! The messenger hawk got back to us just a few hours ago so we really had to hustle. But we're prepared to follow your plan down to the last detail!" Suki said.

"Suki will escort you two along with Lady Ursa's family to the palace through the hidden route while I along with the decoy go back via the main road to the capital," Kaito explained.

"So you were able to find a decoy then? Who?" Zuko asked.

"Well," Suki hesitated,"Iroh sort of volunteered,"

Zuko and I paused, widening our eyes in shock.

"Yea," Kaito said, confirming what we heard wasn't a joke.

After hearing his name being mentioned Iroh made his way to us.

"No offense, uncle, but you and I don't really look alike," Zuko said, concerned for the plan.

"Oh, the crowds won't see my face, just my hand," Iroh smiled, before trying to imitate Zuko,"What do you think? Is my hand-waving filled with enough angst? Kaito had me practicing all morning," He continued.

"Well we don't have any time to make changes," I said walking us towards the plank," We should go now to avoid causing suspicions for being late,"

Suki and Kaito made their way back to the submarine as Zuko and I informed Lady Ursa and her family that we were finally leaving.

"Your friends are pretty! Don't you think, Zuko?" Kiyi asked, causing me to stiffen just slightly.

"Sure," Zuko replied nonchalantly, causing me to relax once more. Shaking away the pinch of annoyance I felt remembering it was just a little girl expressing her thoughts.

"Kiyi, the plank is pretty narrow. Why don't you take your mother's hand?" Zuko continued to his much younger sister.

"I'm old enough to walk on my own!" Kiyi responded, bothered by her brother's request.

"I know, but maybe she's scared. She's never been on a submarine before," Zuko replied

"That's her problem!" Kiyi softly hissed

"Not everyone is as brave as you are Kiyi," I smiled," If she's scared how do you think she'll feel if you helped her walk across," I spoke.

"Will you do it as a favor for us?" Zuko asked, copying the smile I held.

"Fine," And just like that Kiyi reluctantly went to bring Lady Ursa across.

We waited for the others to go inside the submarine. Zuko reached for my hand as we waved Iroh and Kaito a brief goodbye.

"Let's hope everything works out," I said, releasing the last bit of worry off my chest.

"It will," Zuko replied confidently," No matter what happens, we'll deal with it like we always have,"

I nodded, pursing my lips to smile as we talked to the opening to go inside the submarine.

Soon enough we were already getting off the submarine and heading to shore. Once we made it to shore the other Kyoshi Warriors were there with komodo rhinos. The plan was coming along as we quickly boarding the caravan and heading on an alternative route back to the palace. Kiyi simply watched out the window looking attentively, Lady Ursa slightly leaned on Noren while Zuko watched me as I very silently hummed just barely loud enough for Zuko to hear. The silence wasn't uncomfortable but it wasn't exactly peaceful either. A light feeling of dread laced the air until suddenly the caravan halted after a loud crashing noise.

"Whats going on?" Zuko asked, opening the door to the caravan.

"Nothing to worry about, an old tree fell, but nobody's hurt," Suki said.

Zuko quickly looked around as a faint clicking noise entered my ears. I stood up to try and see what was going on.

"I don't think that tree fell because it's old!" Zuko yelled shielding me from the door, "Get down!"

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