Chapter 22

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I immediately moved the vines away letting the two come closer to us. They seemed harmless now that the tensions had calmed down. The woman introduced herself as Misu and offered to cook for us as an apology. We all agreed, knowing they probably attacked us out of self defense. Once Miso finished cooking we all sat together to share the meal.

"I apologize for attacking you earlier. My brother and I just aren't used to seeing other humans around here," Misu spoke as we all ate,"When we heard the commotion, we thought a forest animal was disturbing the pool. It must remain undisturbed,"

"That's what I told them!" Aang replied with his mouthful,"This is a very spiritual place,"

"There are actually three other pools just like this in the Forgetful Valley," Misu informed,"They must all remain undisturbed,"

"Misu, thank you for cooking for us. The stew is delicious," I said, being the first to finish since I decided not to talk and just enjoy the food.

"Yea no kidding it reminds me of-" Sokka tried to add but paused trying to recollect the memory of the taste. 

"The seaweed stew of the Northern Water Tribe?" Misu asked.

"That's it," Sokka exclaimed.

She laughed weakly,"Rafa and I make do with what we can here,"

"So how did two people from the Northern Water Tribe end up in a Fire Nation forest?" Katara asked, which was the question I was also pondering.

I listened intently as Misu told us the story of her and her brother. Even though they were siblings they were very different from each other. Rafa being loud and brash while she was quiet and studious. Misu followed the rules of their tribe while her brother stole from the North's most powerful people. Just to prove he could do it, because everyone was too embarrassed to give him a severe punishment. Despite it being wrong Rafa continued to steal until one day Misu found him. His face was impaired. To think even the most experienced healers of the Northern Water Tribe couldn't help him was saddening. Misu continued to tell us how she spent hours upon hours in the library trying to find a way to help her brother in any way. 

A scroll of a spirit that could give people a new face, a potential cure for her brother.  

"I made it my life's mission to bring my brother here. I knew it would be dangerous for two Water Tribe folk to sneak into the Fire Nation, so I spent years figuring out how to use water bending to fight. I had to learn on my own since--"

"In the Northern Water Tribe, women water benders were only allowed to heal. Things are different now," Katara said.

"After many failed attempts, we finally made it to the Forgetful Valley. We've lived here ever since, hoping to encounter the spirit," Misu said a but disheartened about how long it's been without seeing the spirit. 

"That's very commendable," I spoke up trying to make her feel better,"I could only imagine how hard it's been you both. I'm sure you'll find the spirit soon enough,"

Misu gave a small smile, avoiding my eyes. I could tell she was still hopeful to find the spirit that can cure her brother.

"How come Rafa hasn't eaten anything?" Sokka asked.

"Sokka," I hissed quietly but enough for him to hear. 

"Ever since his injury, Rafa's been caught between life and death," Misu explained,"He doesn't eat anymore. He doesn't do much of anything,"

"And you've spent almost your whole life trying to heal your brother," Aang chimed in.

"Of course. I'm his sister," Misu smiled placing a hand on Rafa's shoulder.

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