Chapter 10: Cancelled Tickets

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Coal drove back into the city, coming to a stop outside of a tall apartment building that had water pouring down from it. He hopped off his bike and looked up in awe.

The front door to the apartment building opened and (Y/n) came out to greet him. "Coal, you found it. Is everything okay?"

"Please tell me you have good news from Gale." He begged. "I'm getting really worried about my dad. This has to break my way."

"Yeah. Wade hasn't heard anything yet, but she swore she'd call tonight. Actually, my family stopped by for dinner. You want to come up and wait for the call together?" She suggested.



Cinder was walking along the sidewalk, sniffing the air, when she heard Coal's voice. She turned and saw him talking to someone that she couldn't see because there was a waterfall blocking her view.


"Um...yeah, sure. I'll come up for a bit." Coal agreed.

(Y/n) smiled brightly. "Great! Follow me."

She led Coal inside the building, as the very tall water door man opened the door for them.

"I'm sorry, you live here?" Coal asked.

(Y/n) shrugged. "Technically it's my mom's place."

"Oh my gosh..."


As she watched them go inside, Cinder tried to follow them in, but she was blocked by the large water man.

"I'm afraid I can't let you in. Residents and guests only." He told her.

Cinder sighed. "Ah, okay. I understand."

She acted like she was about to leave, but quickly tried to make a run for it into the building. The water man held out his arms and made waterfalls from them, blocking her path.

"You're surprisingly good at your job!" Cinder said.

"You're surprisingly fast for your age." The man retorted.

Cinder twisted and made her body into a fire tornado. "You have no idea."


The door to (Y/n)'s house opened and her mother came rushing outside. She was a nice looking woman wearing a long green dress.

"Coal! Oh, I'm so excited to finally meet you. Do we hug, or wave? Don't want to put you out." She said.

Coal shrugged awkwardly. "Uh, a hello is fine."

She waved him off. "Hardly. (Y/n) hasn't stopped talking about you since the day you met. She's smitten."

(Y/n) stiffened in embarrassment. "Mom!"

"Oh come on, I'm your mother. I know when something's lighting you up. I just didn't know he'd be smoking." She completed as she led them inside.

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