Chapter 14: Flash Flood

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(Y/n) stood at the airport in Element City holding a duffel bag and a ticket in her hands.

"Well, this is it. One way ticket out of the city." She muttered sadly.

Her whole family had come to see her off, and they all looked at her with sad expressions. Especially Wade.

"Go, travel the world. Heal that broken heart." Her mother encouraged.

"I can't believe my baby sister is leaving!" Wade bawled, tears flowing from his eyes.

Harold stepped forward and handed her a painting. "Here, I made you a painting. It's of a young woman awash in sadness." He sobbed.

(Y/n) took the painting and saw it was of her, holding a white flower and looking like she was about to cry.

"Uh...thanks Uncle Harold..." she muttered.

She placed the panting next to her bag, and looked at her family. She opened her mouth to say one final goodbye, but was interrupted by the sound of sirens.

She turned to look out of the airports floor to wall windows and saw the alarm was coming from Firetown.

Her eyes widened in fear. "Coal..."


Coal sped along the sides of the large canal that held the water for the train, trying to beat the rush of water coming straight for his home in the canal below.

He looked down at his dad's shop and saw his parents outside, cleaning up after the party, completely oblivious to what was coming.

"Mom! Dad!" He called, but they didn't seem to hear him as he passed.

He looked up and saw the water coming closer and closer to the shop, and knew he needed to act fast.

Coal jumped off the sides of the track into an empty path that lead down next to the canal.

"Water's coming! Climb! Flash flood!" Coal yelled at all the people he passed.

Everyone who heard him began climbing up to higher ground to avoid getting splashed.

He quickly approached the shop and called out to his parents again.

"Mom! Dad! Water!"

This time they heard him, and gasped in shock. The water caught up to Coal, and stayed surrounding his bike. He quickly jumped off into a large bus just as the bike was taken under.

The water reached the shop, and Bernie and Cinder climbed into the stage as it was swept away.

The stage they were on got stuck on some other debris, and Bernie looked towards the shop with horror-filled eyes.

"The flame!" He exclaimed with worry.

Coal heard his cries and began leaping across debris to get to the shop and save the blue flame.

"Coal, no!" Bernie yelled.

Coal grabbed into the sign over the shop and swung across onto the door. He climbed up through the window above the door into the shop, and saw water piling up against the glass.

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