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Rose's POV

"May I take a seat?" I ask him. He looks at me inquisitively and slightly nods his head. I smile in relief and sit down. We sit in silence before I notice that the Elder too is snacking on madeleines; however, that should be expected given his French heritage.

"You enjoy madeleines?" I ask the obvious. The Elder looks at me as if I am stupid, I can't blame him. I think of a playful joke and suppress a laugh at the thought. Elder Finley raises an eyebrow, noticing my smile.

"Would it be wrong of me to joke with you?" I ask.

"I am human, no?" He surprisingly responds. I smile at his words.

"You are, but I do not know for how much longer. Considering that you are ancient and all, I would assume that you would follow a better diet." I say casually, motioning to the desserts.

The Elder shocks me and everyone else not-so-discreetly watching our interaction. Elder Alistair Finley releases a deep sounding laugh at my playful jab. His laugh is surprisingly contagious, and soon, I join in. The whole ball room goes silent, the only voices you can hear are Elder Finley's and my own.

"That was a good one child." The Elder chuckles.

"I thought so too." I smile. We look at each other briefly before breaking into another round of laughter. A few moments pass before I gather myself.

"Is there any particular reason why you requested the seat next to me?" My superior asks.

"No. This seat provides me with a good view of the night sky, as well with a nice place to eat my madeleines. Requesting the seat next to you just so happened to be a coincidence." I say. He nods. We lapse into a more comfortable silence.

"Headmaster Jackson filed a report to revoke 7 students' statuses." The Elder states randomly, looking at me curiously. I gulp and nod.

"I had the premonition when I woke up that something was going to happen. It did not end in my favor, but my companions saved me in time." I say. I wait a moment before continuing. "I actually prayed to the gods that day, asking for more than guidance. I prayed that I learn the lesson that the heavens intended for me to find out, for I believe that everything happens for a reason. There is a reason why I met my fated companion, there is a reason why I possess magic like no other, there is a reason why I was sexually assaulted." I pause to gather myself.

"I now realize that the message they wanted me to find out was that one can only display their true strength during their most vulnerable state. I could have given up, I could have quit the Academy, instead, I grew. I became even stronger physically and tougher mentally than before. It was hard for the first few weeks, then I began to understand myself better. I became more in tune with my emotions and my actions. I developed confidence and self-love, as well as the growth required for me to come out of the situation not as a victim, but as a survivor." I honestly say. I hold back my tears and take a deep breath. Elder Finley analyzes my words before responding.

"You are incredibly honorable, your bravery and development are only a testament to that. You speak with the wisdom of someone who has lived many lives, and you appreciate your surroundings as one who could have been born from the soil. Not only have I heard praise about your abilities, I have come to my own conclusion that you are somebody who will make a great impact on the Magii Community." He tells me. I blush and thank him.

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