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Rose's POV

The crowd hushes and once again I find myself looking back at Blue. As if the aquatic blue dragon could feel my gaze specifically, he turns his head and looks at me curiously. There is something that draws me to his wisdom, I have always had a thing for being curious and wanting to learn more. This is partly the reason why I am the top student at the village school, but also because I find it satisfying to learn new facts and the strive to best the best in anything I do, whether I am familiar with the task at hand or not.

I believe I am thinking too much because a sudden headache appears in the back of my mind. It's different than a regular head pain, this feels as if someone is tugging at the back of my mind attempting to reach something. I just do my best to avoid the pain and block out the tugging, returning my attention back to center stage. The dual wielder, Two Colors, steps up and clears his throat, an obvious tell that he will begin speaking shortly.

"Greetings everyone, I will head the ceremony with help from my friends, today marking another generation of successful element wielders and dragon riders. Now, many of you in the crowd know what occurs during this ceremony, but for those of you who don't, I will give a run down of the basics. When each and every 15 year-old in line walks up to the stage, they will place theirs hands on the universi que scitis stone, or as everyone else refers to it, the ancient rock."

"The all knowing stone." I murmur to myself.

The 'ancient rock' is named based off of a translation from Latin, all knowing. The dual wielder continues on with his prepared speech about the pride of being apart of the magii community, and how everyone is welcomed to visit Stone Heart Magic Wielding and Dragon Riding Academy later on, if they are not one of the chosen. I tune him out for the most part and instead sharpen my focus on my surroundings.

From where I am standing, I feel a slight breeze blow against my skin. It is not a sharp and piercing daft, rather flowy and welcoming. The wind is not strong enough to blow my hair in the opposing direction, but hardly noticeable enough to where it can be slightly relieving from the scorching sun.

I can hear Two Colors' loud and confident voice echo through town center, commanding yet not overbearing. I concentrate on things in the distance, like the sound of leaves rustling. The minor commotion is left to the stage, east to the center's main of the woods. It is unusual because the breeze is not blowing with enough force to make sound, leading me to believe that Dark and Brooding in grey is bored with his friends' explanation. I can see how the birds flying in the sky above town center glide through the wind gracefully. The feathers on their individual beings working as one, allowing the birds to fly gleefully with the wind.

I can smell the very small odor emitting from Tony beside me, overpowered by his apple wood cologne. Either he is beginning to crumble to his worries, with his nerves in tow, or he is sweating from the unforgiving rays of the sun. Speaking of, I can feel their warmth spreading throughout me like a low lit fire. The ultraviolet rays coming from the universe's largest star, hitting every pore of bare skin on my body. Not too the point where I may burn, but just so that it's glow will do no harm. I am brought back to the ceremony awaiting me when an older dragon rider shouts.

"Let's begin!" Trinity Stone villagers cheer with excitement. Everyone else, I included, am anxiously awaiting the results of this year's ceremony because as mentioned before, my year has had some of the strongest warriors in training yet. Also, many people in my year are determined to be great and can be visualized manipulating an element due to their displays of personality. I know my family, village warriors, and others in my community are rooting for me to be able to wield an element. They will be waiting a while to find out because I am last in line. You may think I am overreacting, but because Trinity Stone Village is the largest village in our region, we house many more people in comparison to other villages. So, when I say I am last, what I really mean is that there are 153 fifteen year olds in front of me.

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