• Prologue •

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Unknown's POV

Blood. All I see is Blood. The sky is dark and it seems as if a storm is approaching with the dark and gloomy setting. I see two figures in the distance, one has cropped black hair in a bob style, the other has shaven sides with some wavy black hair atop their head. I am unable to depict their faces entirely, but I am sensing a malicious, prideful aura. I feel an overwhelmingly evil presence from the two.

I view the environment surrounding the two people. I see piles of dead bodies decomposing in the most goring of ways. There is an extreme loss of magical beings, the devastating effects of war. The scenery all so suddenly blurs together and changes to a different one, this one peaceful. I get a glimpse of a woman with angelic white hair as well as a frighteningly raven black color. It is similar to one of the figures in the previous scenery, but hers seems incredibly more alluring with the exception of two separate color spectrums. I am unable to make out the details of her face, but she has the upmost pure aura I have ever witnessed. She seems incredibly fierce and quite young. In this new scenery, all beings are living alongside one another in harmony. Two outcomes, two possibilities.

I shoot up awake in my bed, gasping out of breath. Before any details are lost, I rush to my desk in the corner and grab a sheet of paper and my quill. I light a match and increase the light in my lantern.

I describe my vision in perfect detail, describing both sceneries as well as my brain can comprehend on this single piece of parchment; nothing to be left out. When I finish writing this out, as the duty of the Royal Oracle in service of Queen Selene Manchester IV, it is my job and sole reason for my existence to create this prophecy. All my training and knowledge has led me to this very moment. Of course I have had visions before, but all Oracles know that once every other millennium, a Royal Oracle in service is to get a special vision that soley predicts two outcomes of our future. What makes this vision so different is that it can be influenced by the Oracle who receives this seeing, where as for other visions are to just be seen and recorded.

The prophecy I am to write will affect the very future of the existence of all supernatural beings. Thankfully, my pure soul will be in favor of light. If I were to have an evil soul, the prophecy would be in favor of darkness.

By the end of writing the prophecy, trickles of sweat run along my spine from the concentration. My main focus on making sure darkness is not to outweigh light, but so that everything is in perfect balance. While the prophecy is focused on a pure soul, balancing the light and darkness is required for the prophecy to pursue. When all is completed, I scroll up the delicate paper and store it where it can be found in the future. I realize that this has taken all night, and the sun is raising among other early risers.

I hurry off to inform the Queen of my vision and completed prophecy, goddess so help the poor soul whose shoulders will bear the weight of the lives of all supernatural races.


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