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Rose's POV

Mr.Casey grows some plants from the ground around me, trying to get me off balance, it almost works. He then takes a moment to breathe before I feel a vibration underneath me. I quickly move out of the way, in the opposite direction of the cactus plants, just in time to see Mr.Casey turn the ground I was standing on into quicksand. I have to remain weary of him and his abilities. I will the dirt to rise out of the tub, and it does so. I form a ball of dirt, about to throw it when it completely dispels. Mr.Casey took away my attack as if it were nothing.

I think for a moment before coming up with the perfect plan. I make more dirt move towards me, but instead of getting my advances ready, I form a dome shape out of it. I am holding it up, focusing on the vibrations in the ground. Due to the forceful vibrations approaching me, I can tell Mr.Casey is getting ready to hit the dome. The split second before the hit arrives, I fling the dirt of my dome all over Mr.Casey.

While he is confused, he walked right into my trap. Because he is at an arms reach, while he is still in shock, I put my right hand on his chest, feeling around for the dirt. When I feel it, I smirk. As if Mr.Casey just realizes what I am doing, he tries to step out of my wingspan, but it is too late. I do what I have seen Nicholas do plenty of times, I grow plants from the soil. But not just any plants, smilaxes.

Smilax is a thorny vine that is very sturdy. I grow the vines from the dirt on Mr.Casey by transferring my energy to the soil when I touched the nature master. I wrap the thorny vines around Mr.Casey, encasing him in a strong hold, making him vulnerable to me. He looks at me in awe and hangs his head, submitting to me.

"You are the first student to beat me since I have become a master, you should be extremely proud. That was incredibly smart of you." Mr.Casey complements with pride.

"Thank you sir. I look forward to learning more from you and the other instructors as I grow." I thank out of breath, blushing wildly at the praise. Mr.Casey nods and walks out of the arena. As if a tidal wave of pain comes hurling at me, my knees buckle and I fall to the ground. Not only was fighting Mr.Casey extremely tiring, but my side hurts even more from the attack Mr.Barden landed on me. I catch my breath again, my right arm holding my left side, and my left arm pushing me up. I can only imagine how I look right now, disheveled hair, sweat gleaming from my body, cuts all over my legs, arms, and face. I am sitting up on the ground, not having enough energy to move at the moment.

"You have completed your Nature placement test. You have one minute to will the element of fire." Headmaster says. A bunch of torches light up the arena space, the smoke being ventilated out. I don't even try to will fire, instead I get up and walk towards my sword case. I pull out the vial of my energy replenishment serum and down it all in one go. I wait a few seconds before I feel like I am going to be okay, my energy restoring.

I go up to the torch, and put my hand close to the fire. I memorize this feeling of warmth spreading along my hands, what it would be like for me to move this life form. I walk back to the center of the arena, facing Mr.Jacobs. I bow my head, then remove my shirt, thank heavens I wore a supportive sports bra today.

I take off my shirt, lifting it over my head, wincing all the while. I think the design of this shirt is cool, so I'd rather it not be burnt during my test. Although I feel like I had just before my tests began, the pain remains and is more present then ever. I hear gasps of the student body, some shouts of anger. I look around to see everyone fiercely looking at the side of my body. What I see makes me cringe, a large and nasty bruise is forming along the left side of my body, including my ribs.

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