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Rose's POV

I walk the small distance between my Nature manipulation class to my Fire one, since they are all in the east wing. I enter the classroom and see that the class is very separated. Based off of my observations, 6 of the 31 students have items, meaning that 26 other students, not including I, were Level 2 just last school year. In the middle of the large classroom, there is a group of 5 of the boys who have their fire items. They talk loudly and a little obnoxiously.

I see Joel among this class and wave to him when he looks at me. He is with a group of 4 other boys, a little behind the middle group. Then there are the few stragglers who are just sitting at open desks, not talking to anyone. I see another group of unknown people just lounging around in the front, and one more cluster of people talking to each other near the door.

I chose to sit where I believe I will have the best view from the window. It is towards the middle-left of the classroom, if you are taking a look when you walk in. I set down my stuff and get ready for class.

"You are in my friend's seat." A familiar voice tells me. I look towards the sound only to see Joel.

"I am sorry, I did not know that this seat was reserved." I say slightly embarrassed. Before I have a chance to move my stuff, Joel just laughs.

"You are my friend supposed to sit in that seat, I was just teasing. Anyway, how have your classes been going?" He asks me.

"Well, in my Medincines, Powders, Herbs and Energy class, I finally got the solution right to my anti-aging serum. And for my Nature class, I got my item and manipulated some stuff, like the roses in my vase." I tell him briefly. Joel looks at my bracelet and compliments it.

"Thank you, my original item did not have a healing stone in it. Mr.Patterson infused the healing stone with my item so that I wouldn't lose it." I add on. He looks a little surprised but nods anyway. I have a question to ask but I'm not sure how. "Um... Joel?"

"Hmm?" He raises an eyebrow.

"What made you choose the bandana as your item?" I ask. Joel's eyes brighten and he smiles.

"The designs on the bandanna remind me of the artwork I used to look at with my grandma. She died a couple years back, but she was my support system and best friend." He tells me, tears brimming his eyes. Oh.

"Well, the heavens must have been blessed by an angel if she was anywhere near related to you." I reply respectfully, trying to brighten the mood. He just thanks me and returns his attention to the teacher who just walked in.

"Good morning everyone, my name is Alexei Bychkov." He introduces, his Russian accent thicker than Mr.Ivanov's. His last name means bull and symbolizes a family line that is strongly built and powerful. "Many people can't pronounce my name right, so lots of my students call me Mr.B. I am a fire master as well as your instructor. We will be working outside most of the time, conditioning and building your strength up while working with your element. The element of Fire in particular requires a lot of energy and endurance to manipulate. We will head down to the items gallery to get all of you your fire items, then I will see how far you have progressed in your manipulation. Oh! And if you disobey me, are late to my class, or disrupt me when I am speaking, expect to run many miles. Now, let's head out to get you all items." Mr.Bychkov says, reminding himself.

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