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Rose's POV

I wake up drenched in sweat, tears springing to my eyes. I softly cry, gasping out of breath. This is the second week since the attack that I have had nightmares. I am sleeping in my dorm room for the first time since the incident, trying to return myself to a bit of normalcy.

Every time I felt myself spiraling into the depths of my soul, Belvedere was there to bring me back. My oldest companion and my twins have not changed their views of me in the slightest, they still believe me to be a worthy, powerful girl. I feel the opposite.

I can't explain it well, but every time I am approached by someone who I don't know, my mind is brought back to the scene. I have been getting better at not flinching when somebody makes a sudden gesture with their hands, and I have also begun looking people in the eyes again. For the first few days, I felt like I was disgusting, revolting to be looked at. I thought that if I looked into someone's eyes, I would see the same distasteful and perverted look that Emmanuel gave me.

I am so glad that nobody treats me any different. Roman, at first, kept giving me pitiful glances, but after I told him how that made me feel, he spread the word to everyone and now it is like nothing has ever happened. My instructors don't look at me any differently either, in fact, I would say that a few of them are proud.

It took a lot of venting, tears, and tissues to be able to understand that what happened was not my fault. Originally, I had blamed myself for wearing such clothing at a predominantly male school, but Tony reassured me that it was no fault of mine. The golden boys instilled in my head that the 7 were sick in their minds, and fantasized of things that should not have even been thought about.

I soon realized that they were right, it should not have been me changing my clothes or appearance to lessen the revolting thoughts of the group. It should be the seven boys managing and learning how to control their male desires, as well as keeping their hormones in check. Today is the first day I am going to wear an outfit similar to the one I got attacked in, baby steps.

I am slowly healing, it will not be an overnight sort of occurrence. The first night I slept in Belvedere's stable, a few hours after the assault, he told me that I woke up screaming—crying aloud and begging for help.

'It pains us to see you like this.' I remember my dragon telling me. I, of course, apologized profusely. But my companion was very understanding, and told me that he will be with me every step of the way.

I could not have been more thankful to the goddesses for having Belvedere in my life. He, Apollo, and Artemis are the sole reasons I have not crumbled under the weight of the circumstance. The three are my protectors, my saviors. They keep me grounded and remind me of the person I am. Currently, I am a shell of who I once was, but I hope to become that confident girl again.

The boys who attacked me have been removed from the Academy and are banned permanently from ever learning at a magic based school. The Elder's responded to our request very quickly and sent a witch to each of the boys' villages to take away their magic. I don't feel any regret or remorse for the punishment they received.

Although they have already brought shame upon their families for assaulting me, they will be entirely ridiculed and shunned from their respective villages for getting their abilities revoked. I will never allow any of those seven to possibly think, let alone act upon another female in that way again, abusing their ex-goddess given gifts.

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