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Rose's POV

We returned from Europe about three weeks ago. Everyone was surprised to see my new companion but were just as accepting as they were to Belvedere.

Headmaster Jackson informed the school of my fundraiser profits, and let's just say that the chefs of our school made me tons of snacks and desserts in return for getting them a raise. Surprisingly, I noticed that Trent and Marcus were more upbeat than usual as well.

I am glad to see how appreciative everyone is for Headmaster's doing. Speaking of Marcus and Trent, I have been training with Fern during my dragon training class ever since the incident. This way, I can help build the strength in her muscles and fly her during the school day while I train and hang out with my companions outside of the school day. Of course they still oversee my training with Fern, but most of the time, I master my tricks and other bond strengthening moves while not on mandated time.

Playing with Maximilian has been extremely fun. Sometimes we play fetch, other times I go on runs with him while my dragons fly in the air. Artemis and Apollo love Max as well, they are always lifting him out of the air on their tails if he is in his cub state. Belvedere is easily amused by my wolf Cerberus too.

My fated companion is actually the one who came up with the game we now regularly play and call Mana. It's basically a more exciting way to train using our elements while playing with Maximilian. My Cerberus is still weary around other people, but isn't as alert as he used to be, displaying the developing signs of trust.

On the topic of creatures, Caesar, Aurelius, and Cornelius are in the beginning stages of muscle treatment. The burns that Caesar suffered in his abdominal area made him be ordered to rest. So we have to build up the strength in his legs for his inactivity.

For Aurelius, the muscle damage in his wing is slowly repairing, so we have to take his flying sessions slow. And for Cornelius, his torn ligaments restricted him from using his leg too much. This is why he too is starting muscle strengthening sessions to build up his leg strength again.

As expected, I am the only one that the Chimeras allow to see, so I will be the one documenting their growth and progress. Seraphina and Baxter are fully recovered, and their 14 kin are in healthy shape. I spoke to Mr.Everglade and Headmaster Jackson about their status and whether or not we can release them.

They agreed that they are ready to return to the wild, so Mr.Everglade is searching for habitats where we can keep the Basilik clan so they won't be separated. My favorite Basilik child is Miles. He is the third oldest, and for some reason, I like him more than his siblings. Just because he is my favorite does not mean I treat them differently, in fact, I don't even think he is aware that he is my favorite. Anyway, the 14 Basiliks are very playful and are always nudging me to sing to them. Because we can't communicate, they hiss if they are threatened or refuse something, they nudge my body if they want something, and they nod their heads for yes.

Anyway, we only have a few weeks left at the Academy, which means that final exams have come upon us. For our regular classes, we have already completed the written tests and received marks based on how well we did. I scored in the top percentiles for both my creatures class and powders class. I received the mark of 10's for both classes because I did not miss a single question on the exams.

For our magii and combat, Level 1 students take theirs first, then Level 2, then Level 3, and so on and so on. We take our exams in the arena where we took our placement tests. Most Level 1's are year 3's and 4's, so they take their exams first so that they have more time to relax for summer before University. For me, this isn't the case, but I am still expected to perform well.

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