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As soon as Eloise and Maria informed Caroline that Florence is in France and is staying at the same hotel as them she has made up her mind to ignore her if they run into each other. But she can't help but wonder if it's a coincidence and Florence is there for work or she planned it. 

After a long day with Max and going to interviews and meeting, and assuring him that she is not leaving the team, Caroline is finally back in her hotel room, freshened up and is ready for some much needed rest. 

She was about to call Lewis back but a knock on her door stopped her. She hurried to open it, thinking it might be Lewis or one of her friends, but instead came face to face with the last person she wanted to see. 

"Hi Caroline," Florence smiled. 

The driver was a little stunned to react immediately. 

"Oh I have missed you so much," Florence went to hug her but Caroline took a step back. 

"What are you doing here?" Caroline asked, feeling suspicious. 

"I thought I would come and see my friends," Florence explained. "It's been weeks and I really missed you guys. I have already met Eloise and Maria but you were out all day with Max so.." She expressed a hint of jealousy in the last part which Caroline was quick enough to recognize. 

"You came here to see me after dragging my name through mud?" Caroline questioned. 

"Oh come on," The model gave a fake smile. "That was weeks ago and I was angry and embarrassed and it is no secret that Max likes you very much. I was jealous, Caroline, I am sure you understand."

"No I don't actually," Caroline replied. 

Florence let out a shaky breath. She knew convincing Caroline was not going to be easy. Even though the publicity from the scandal boosted her fame, her career hit a rough patch that she is unable to get out of, and she thinks it will help to get back in Caroline's good book so that like before she will get to accompany her to races and events. 

"Caroline I am really sorry okay," Florence apologized, but starting to get impatient. "I shouldn't have said all those things about you. I was wrong, I get it," Her voice broke a little. "But I missed you and your friendship."

Caroline gave a sympathetic smile and put her hand on Florence's shoulder. 

"I can tell a liar when I see one, Florence," Caroline calmly said and removed her hand. 

Before Florence could come up with a good reply Caroline turned around. 

"You think you are better than me?" Florence raised her voice. "There is a reason why your parents are not close to you, you are insufferable. You have played with Max's feelings for years, even when he was in a relationship you were the most important person in his life. And now you have the audacity to act so high and mighty. You are.."

Caroline closed the door behind her, not wanting to hear anymore of her former friend's words. But whatever she heard lingered in her mind. 


Caroline rolled her eyes as Valtteri joined her just as she was done with the track walk. He had a smirk plastered on his face which annoyed her. 

"What do you want?" Caroline asked. 

"Wow! You seem cheerful," Valtteri sarcastically replied. "Must be because everyone wants you."

Caroline's eyes widened as she looked at him. 


"I mean, I heard you got offers from many teams," Valtteri replied. "Ferrari, McLaren…and now even Mercedes wants you. You must feel really special."

"I am tempted to go to Mercedes and replace you just to piss you off," She shot him a glare. 

"Oh trust me, Toto and Lewis will be very happy," Valtteri glared back. "They have been wanting it for months."

She looked a bit confused but decided to not overthink as her mind is already occupied with the events of yesterday. 

"But that's not what I am here to talk about…I am here to talk about Lewis," Valtteri cautiously said. 

"What about him?"

"Stay away from him," His voice sounded like he was warning her. "Even since you two have gotten close he has been losing. I don't know what games you are playing but it's distracting him. You will end up costing him the championship."


"Get out," Max angrily pointed at the door. "I don't want to see you or hear your insane ideas."

Florence stood there, her lips almost playing a smirk. 

"You can't fool me Max," She said, making him roll his eyes. "You want Caroline, and I want her friendship back. We can both help each other."

"Pretending to date you is not going to help me get Caroline," He raised his voice. 

"That's where you are wrong," Florence chuckled. "Think about it…she hates me at the moment. When she is going to see you and me together she is going to be so jealous."

Max suspiciously looked at her, wondering if she was right. 

"Caroline will realize  what she is missing and will want you all to herself."


"Why do you look so stressed?" Lewis asked as he pulled Caroline closer and kissed her forhead, making her slightly relax. "I have noticed it the entire day. What is bothering you?" He looked concerned. 

Caroline sighed and and sat on her bed, her hand frustratedly ram through her hair. 

Lewis sat close to her and wrapped his arm around her waist as she briefly explained what is going on. 

"And on top of that your protective teammate is worried that I am the reason that you are not performing well," Caroline explained. 

"Valtteri?" Lewis looked confused. "Did he say anything else to you?"

"No," She shook her head. "But he really cares about the team and you," She chuckled. "Why do you look so concerned?"

"I am just surprised that he cares so much about me," Lewis nervously smiled. 

"Yeah, and it feels like I have got competition with him," Caroline joked, making Lewis laugh. 

"There is no competition," Lewis kissed her. "There is no one like you, Care."


A/N: Do you think Max will agree with Florence's plan and fake date her?

Thoughts on Valtteri and his warning?

Who does Care deserve more: Lewis, who really loves her but has yet to tell her the truth about the plan or Max, who may or may not date someone who Care hates to make her jealous?

I have decided on the ending but I  am sure half of the readers are not going to like it and other half might love it. And I want to finish this book in the next 10-15 chapters, let's see if I can manage that

HIM AND I - Max Verstappen x OC x Lewis HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now