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Lewis x Caroline ending

Caroline felt a little relieved as soon as Lewis rushed into the hospital room, for a split second almost forgetting that she was having labor pain.

"Oh thank god you are here," Caroline said as Lewis rushed to her side.

"I wish I got here sooner," Lewis kissed her forehead and held her hand.

Lewis received the news that Caroline was in labor when he got off the plane and was about to head home after a race. Somehow he was not surprised that their baby decided to arrive two weeks early, but he does feel guilty about not being by Caroline's side earlier.

"Ready to push Miss Decker?" The doctor came in, followed by the nurse.

Caroline nervously nodded.

"It's going to be okay," Lewis softly said.


After two hours of screaming, complaining and crying Caroline finally managed to push the baby out. The cries of the newborn baby filled the room.

"It's a girl," The doctor informed them.

Caroline was beyond exhausted but was also not able to tear her eyes away from her baby. She looked at Lewis and he looked at her, both looking happy.

"You did it," Lewis gave her a tired smile and kissed her forehead and then her hand which he had been holding. "We have a daughter, Care"

The nurse cleaned the baby and carefully handed her to Caroline. She never believed in love at first sight until now. Their baby was beautiful, a perfect combination of Caroline and Lewis.

Caroline felt tears rolling down her face as she gently touched the delicate cheek of her daughter.

Lewis moved closer and Caroline handed him their daughter.

"She is beautiful, just like her mother," Lewis said as happy tears rolled down his face.

"So have you two decided on a name yet?" The doctor asked as she cleaned up.

Caroline nodded as she smiled at her daughter

"Leila, her name is Leila Hamilton."


HIM AND I - Max Verstappen x OC x Lewis HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now