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"Your teammate is very protective of you," Diana, Caroline's mother pointed out as they ate their dinner. "And he is very rude, I don't know how you put up with him."

"Max is one of the best people I know," Caroline defended him quickly. "He is always there for me."

Diana paused before looking at Caroline who didn't spare her a glance. 

"Anyway, are you prepared for the race tomorrow?" She asked, changing the subject. 

"I am always ready for a race mom," Caroline replied, giving her a small smile. 

"Good," Diana nodded. "I hope you win, otherwise it will be really embarrassing for me. I mean everyone I know knows that I will be present at the race and if you lose I will never hear the end of it."

"And for that reason I am very tempted to take myself out of the race tomorrow," Caroline said sarcastically. 


"Caroline!" Lewis jogged towards her as soon as he spotted her at the hotel lobby, on her way to the elevator. 

Caroline slowed down and turned to look at him. She shot him a polite smile as he caught up to her. 

"Hi Lewis."

"I came up to your room earlier but you were not there," He said. 

"I was out for dinner with my mom," She replied. 

"Oh! Your mom is here, I didn't know."

"That is because I didn't tell you." Caroline pointed out. "Umm..why did you go up to my room?"

"I was..I wanted to ask if you would like to have dinner with me tomorrow," Lewis replied. 

"Oh.." Caroline was taken aback as she didn't expect that since she hasn't even forgiven him yet. "Can I think about it and let you know tomorrow?"

"Yeah, sur…" 

Lewis was cut off as Max called out Caroline's name. He immediately wanted to take Caroline away from her teammate but it was not possible. 

"Are you okay?" Max hurried towards Caroline. "Was she..too much?" He chose not to voice his question and concerns clearly as he realized Lewis was with her. 

"What happened?" Lewis joined, earning a glare from Max. 

"Nothing," Caroline quickly replied and shook her head. "Umm..I will see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Yeah, okay," Lewis reluctantly nodded. "I will see you tomorrow, and I really hope you agree to dinner."

Before Max could say something Lewis shot him a glare before walking away. 

"What dinner?" Max looked confused. 


"Our strategy is good, so good luck you two," The Red Bull team principal encouraged. "And try your best to keep Lewis behind you," He looked at Caroline. 

Caroline nodded in agreement. 

"It will be a double podium today," Max told the team. "And it will be fun to hear the crowd cry when their driver loses."


As soon as the race started Max quickly took the lead. Lewis tried to move past Caroline but was too quick for him to lose her position just as the race started. 

Both Lewis and Caroline were racing wheel to wheel, Lewis challenging her position at every corner and in the process leaving very little between their cars. But Caroline is not one to back down. 

"He is trying to push me out of the track," Caroline complained to her race engineer. 

"Copy, we are looking into it. Try to create some distance from him."

As the next corner arrived Caroline tried her best to move ahead but Lewis was thinking the same. He knows if he manages to overtake her then it will be not much trouble to catch up with Max as he is not far away. 

Caroline didn't get a chance to react or brace herself as Lewis' car made contact with hers and pushed it out of the track. 

The entire crowd and everyone at the Red Bull garage gasped as it took only seconds for the Red Bull to hit the barricade of tyres in a brutal force. 

"Caroline? Can you hear me?" Christian asked, his voice was heavily laced with concern for his driver. 

Caroline's mind and body went numb just as realization of what just happened hit her. Even the loud scream of the audience didn't reach her ears. 

"Caroline, please respond," Christian begged. 

"I am okay," Caroline said between her heavy breaths. "I am fine."

"That's good to hear," Christian felt relieved. " The marshalls are on their way, they will get you out of the car."


"What happened?" Max asked frantically as he only witnessed part of the incident in his mirror. "Was that Care or Lewis?"

"It's Caroline," His race engineer replied. "Lewis pushed her out of the track and she hit the barricade. She is out of the race."

Immediately he felt worried and angry and for a second lost focus, and only realized that when Lewis overtook him. 

"Is she okay?" He asked but his voice was shaky. 

"Ummm.. She is not responding," The engineer reluctantly informed him. 

"Then go and check," Max yelled just as Christian received a response from Caroline. 

"She is okay, the marshalls are on their way now. And the yellow flag is out, slow down Max."


"It was a racing incident, Lewis," Toto informed the Mercedes driver as soon as he overtook Max and got the lead. 

"Is she out of the race?" Lewis asked, feeling guilty. 

"Yes," Toto replied. "And she is safely out of the car so there is nothing to worry about."


A/N: At first I wanted Max to be the one to crash like it actually happened but thought it would be much more interesting if Caroline was the one.

Do you think she is okay?

Thoughts on the race and Max and Lewis?

Thought on the chapter?

HIM AND I - Max Verstappen x OC x Lewis HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now