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"I don't believe this," Caroline yelled in frustration and hit her steering wheel. Once again she is out of the race. "What the hell happened?" She knew she was hit and pushed off the track by another car seconds after the race started, but she is not sure about the full incident as some other drivers are out of the race along with her. 

"You are not going to like it," The race engineer replied. "Bottas hit Norris and he lost control and pushed you off the track…"

"Of course it's Valtteri," Caroline replied and the anger was evident in her voice. She thought the Hungarian grand prix would end differently but she was proven wrong. She got out of the car as the drizzling rain hit her and looked around, even Charles was out of the race and he didn't look happy either. 

"Don't say anything that will get you in trouble," Christian warned her. 

"Then I am sure you and I are thinking the same thing," She mumbled as her eyes fell on Valtteri who is now leaning against his car and looking at her back but she didn't know as he was wearing his helmet. 


Caroline stood by Max as they both watched the mechanics trying to fix his car within the limited time before the race restarts. 

"I hope we have enough budget for duct tapes," Caroline sarcastically said, making the team principal chuckle. 

"We have more than enough," Christian replied. "But I don't think we will get a podium today,"

"I will try my best to score some points," Max said as the car was almost repaired, but they knew it won't be able to function with full potential. 

"And I can't wait to…"

"Don't finish that sentence," Christian warned her. "If you take one of the Mercedes drivers out of the next race there is a good chance it will cost you the race or you will be under investigation and receive a penalty, we can't afford to do that. We need both our drivers finishing every race on top of the podium."

"You just ruined my amazing plan," Caroline pouted. "But you are right."

Max shot her a smile and hugged her before he got in the car again as the race was about to restart. 

Caroline's smile dropped when she noticed Lewis glaring at them, but his eyes softened as soon as he felt her eyes on him. 

"Good luck," She whispered into Max's ear and kissed his cheek which made his heart flutter. 

Lewis looked away as he was not able to bear the sight of them. 


"What are you doing here?" Valtteri asked, looking confused as he didn't expect to see Caroline away from the Red Bull garage and behind a motor house while the race was still going on. "I thought you were going to just sit and cheer up your teammate while he fails to win today," He bluntly said. "You know, since you are out of the race and have nothing better to do."

Caroline could feel her anger reigniting and Valtteri could clearly see that. 

"First of all, I am here to make a phone call," She said calmly but managed to express her anger. "And second of all, I am out of the race because of you."

"You were just at the wrong place at the wrong time," Valtteri argued. "It was not my fault."

"You have some nerve," Caroline said through her gritted teeth. "Everyone knows it was your fault, only you and your team don't agree… maybe because it was your strategy. I mean that's why you are in Mercedes, aren't you? To carry out their dirty plan so Lewis can win."

"Stop it!" Valtteri snapped. 

"I am surprised how very little self respect you have for yourself," Caroline smirked. "Only a pushover like yourself would sacrifice himself to take out the competition so your teammate can win."

"You are crossing the line," Valtteri warned her as his eyes glared daggers at her. Every word she said hit him like a punch to his ego. 

"Am I?" Caroline challenged him. "Tell me what I said was wrong," She smirked. 

Valtteri stayed silent as anger took him over. 

"I forgot, what is that they call you? Wingman?" Caroline asked. "Yep, Lewis Hamilton's wingman…"

"Shut up!" He yelled as he held both her arms tightly and pushed her against the motor house. 

"You don't scare me Valtteri," Caroline said, but got a little nervous as she has never seen this side of him. "Nobody is scared of you, after all you are just a.."

"Finish that sentence," He got dangerously close to her, she could even feel his heavy breath against her skin. "I dare you."

"You are nothing but a.." Caroline tried to mask her nervousness as her heart was beating fast. "You are a.."

"Just like I thought," Valtteri said which came out like a low growl before he pressed his lips against her, taking her completely by surprise. 

Caroline's mind went blank as she didn't know how to react and was in a state of shock. Valtteri's grip on her arms remained strong as he roughly kissed her, a result of him not able to control his emotions. 

To his surprise Caroline kissed him back, this time taking him by surprise. But as the kiss got deep she was pulled back to reality and pushed him away. 

Both were in shock and had the same expression. 

"Caroline…" Valtteri breathed out as he tried to approach her once again.

Caroline didn't waste any time and ran away before he could say anything. Valtteri watched as she disappeared and he stood there with his confused feelings. 


A/N: not me making the story more complicated 🙄

Thoughts on Valtteri and Care?

What if Lewis finds out?

HIM AND I - Max Verstappen x OC x Lewis HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now