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Tenzin's flying bison-Oogi, flies through the air getting closer and closer to the Southern Tribe. The bison carrying Pema, Tenzin and their children: Naida, Jinora, Ikki and Meelo.

"Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" Ikki's and Meelo's high pitched voice echoed through Naida's ears as she sat on the saddle, her back leaning against it. She dugs her fingers into her forehead as the two siblings didn't stop until she lost her temper, just as they landed.

"We're here! Now can you lower your squirrel voices?!"

Meelo stopped biting onto his father's head and slowly looked at his oldest sister with Ikki beside him. Naida simply ignores them and slides off the bison by Oogi's tail.

"Gran-Gran," She crashes into her grandmother's, Katara's embrace. With a smile, she returns the hug. Just as Naida open her eyes, she notices a familiar figure standing behind Katara. Her eyes travel from the person's feet up to her face only to be met with awkward Korra.

Naida's face lit up as Katara lets go of her and walks over to Pema and Tenzin. "Korra!" The white haired girl jumps onto her as she stumbled back from the sudden weight, "It's nice to see you, too, Nai." She said with a chuckle.

Naida lets go of Korra and the two return to Tenzin. He notes with surprised satisfaction that she has grown big and strong and has become "quite the Avatar".

Korra, glad Tenzin has arrived, tells him that she cannot wait to get started, though his expression instantly falls.

"You will have to tell her sooner or later." Pema said.

Before he can, Katara guesses that he is not staying, which Tenzin and Naida confirm, adding that he will return to Republic City the next morning. Korra, disappointed, insists that he is supposed to stay, but Tenzin apologizes and says her airbending training will have to wait.

That night, at dinner, Korra repeatedly asks when her airbending training will commence, but Tenzin states that he has responsibilities in Republic City as one of its leaders, where the situation is very unstable.

"Why don't we bring Korra with us?" Naida suggests as her best friends quickly agrees at the idea. "Absolutely not." The White Lotus leader slams his palm onto the table, claiming that the city is too dangerous.

"Isn't the whole point of being the Avatar-keeping the city not dangerous?" Naida spoke with her chin rested on her palm, receiving a glare from her father. Displeased, Korra subsequently leaves the room.

"I'll go talk to her." Naida exhales and leaves, following behind Korra only to find her sitting outside by the water.

"Hey. You okay?" Naida crouches down beside Korra, placing her hand onto her shoulder in a comforting gesture. "No." The Avatar responds and shakes her head in denial. Naida sighs and sits down beside her, motioning Korra to talk.

"I just don't get it. I have been preparing all my life to finally master all four of the elements. And, when I have the chance to do so, it all goes the opposite way!"

Naida sighs and looks over to the sea, "I get it." Then an idea pops in her head, "However,"

Korra glances at her best friend as Naida does the same, "You could sneak out when everyone's asleep and come to Republic City. I don't think my dad will just simply send you back if I insist that I'll take care of you in the town, show you where to go and where not to go."

Korra's eyes suddenly lit up by the idea, "You would do that for me?"

Naida lets out a laugh, "Of course, I would. You're my best friend, Korra. Y'know, I'm your number 1 support in everything."

𝐍𝐀𝐈𝐃𝐀-Legend of Korra (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now