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The Fire Ferrets are practicing together before the start of the tournament in the Pro-bending Arena's gym by barraging each other with their respective elements to test their reaction times. Their skills matched, they are all knocked down by one another simultaneously.

Few days had passed as the two, Mako and Naida, 'forgot' about their argument. Naida decided not to mention it and didn't speak to Mako unless at the trainings. Mako did the same, but when he wanted to talk to her about something else she simply ignored him.

They huddle together for a pre-tournament inspirational talk from Naida. Just as they exclaim that they are ready to win the tournament, Asami contradicts them, pointing out that they would need the new team uniforms with the Future Industries logo in order to be completely ready.

"Of course, who else could I expect?" Naida mumbles under her breath as Mako greets Asami lovingly, rubbing their noses together.

Naida cringes in disgust, but regains her composure before anyone notices, and gives a friendly wave off to the couple as they leave for their lunch date. "Another lunch date? Do you hear this, Dro?" Naida spoke towards her dragon as he flew onto her shoulder.

Just as she was about to leave, Bolin approaches her, "So, Nai, there they go. Here we are. All alone in the gym. Just you and me," He points to her and then to himself, " Two alone people. Together...alone."

Naida lets out a chuckle with her hand covering her mouth, "Bo, what are you doing?"

Drogon lets out a confusing chirp, receiving a look from Bolin. "I think so, too, Drogon." She mumbles down to her dragon as Bolin cocks an eyebrow at her, "You actually understand him?"

Naida began to laugh, "N-No, I don't. I just thought you wanted to fly over the city with me and Drogon."

Bolin's eyes widen from excitement, "Y-Yes, tha-that was exactly what I meant. Totally." He points his finger to Drogon in a playful way. "I'm sure Drogon won't mind. So, tomorrow? before the training?"

Bolin quickly nods, lost in her laugh and smile. "Perfect. Meet me outside of the Arena tomorrow." She spoke and left before Bolin could let out a word.

While Mako cooked dinner for himself and Bolin, the younger brother struggled with washing his ferret, Pabu.

"So, what do you think of Nai? In a girlfriend sort of way." Bolin questioned. Mako was shook by his sudden question, "She's great. But it makes more sense for me to go for Asami."

"I was talking about a girlfriend for me. Leave some ladies for the rest!" Bolin said and continued cleaning Pabu.

"I don't know, Bo. It doesn't seem like a good idea to date Naida. She's like a sister to us." Mako spoke. Deep down, he wanted Naida but his mind said Asami.

"You just said she was great two seconds ago." Bolin reminded him, holding up wet Pabu. Mako complimented Naida, how great of athlete she is, how independent she is of some stuff and the way she cares for people. Bolin glares at him in confusion,

"Look, It's just not smart to date a teammate. Just right before the tournament."

"I don't care what you say. Naida invited me to go for a ride on Drogon. At least, he doesn't hate me like he does some people." Bolin spoke. Mako's eyes widen from shock, "She...asked you?"

The little brother nods as Mako lowers his head down in sadness.

Meanwhile, at Air Temple Island, Naida, Jinora, and Ikki are feeding the ring-tailed winged lemurs,

"So, how's it going with the tall, dreamy, fire-bender boy? You've been spending a lot of time together lately." Jinora suddenly asks, Ikki interested in the same question. Naida climbs down the letter and shrugs the question aside, "Pfft, I'm not interested in Mako."

"Right~, just like you weren't yapping about him for the past 4 years you've known each other." Jinora spat back, earning a glare from her older sister. "Besides he's all into that prissy, beautiful, elegant, rich girl...Let's just say for a second if I was interested in him, what would I do?"

Jinora gladly offers some of her book-gathered wisdom about a heroine who burned down an entire country and committed suicide by jumping into a volcano after her love remained unanswered. Jinora proclaims the story to be "so romantic", a feeling shared by neither Naida nor Ikki. Ikki immediately utters that she knows a better way to win a boy's heart, namely to brew a love potion of rainbows and sunsets.

"Volcano is starting to make more sense, now." Naida spoke and was startled by their mother's laugh. "How long have you been standing there?" Naida faces her mother as she claims she has been standing there long enough.

"Years ago, I was in a same situation..with Tenzin." She admits and walks towards her three girls, "What did you do?" Naida asked curiously.

"For the longest time, I did nothing. I was so shy and scared of rejection. But watching my soulmate spend his time with another woman, it came too painful. So, I hung my chin out there and I confessed my love to Tenzin..and the rest is history."


"Ahh!" Bolin yelled as Drogon sped through the sky. "Hold on!" Naida yells and Bolin snuggles himself in her back, shutting his eyes from fear. Naida turns Drogon around and they land in front of the Arena.

The two enter the balcony from the Arena laughing, catching everyone's attention. "And you were all like," Naida imitated how Bolin looked like when they flew through the clouds.

Mako was lost in his thoughts, watching his own brother making Naida laugh more than himself.

After the match, Asami enters, congratulating the team on their amazing victory and giving Mako a kiss on the cheek, saddening Naida as the words of her mother crossed her mind .

As she moves to leave the locker room, she is halted by Bolin, who invites her to go on a "sort of date situation" with him. "I don't know, Bolin. I'm not the date-worthy kind of girl."

"Come on, Nai. Look how fun we had today, even if I was scared to death. You're the smartest, funniest, kindest-sometimes mean, talentedest, incrediblest woman in the world." Bolin spoke as Naida smiles at him. She accepts his offer and the two exit the only for Mako to be glaring at them.

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