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The three figured out the location of where the revelation was happening, getting inside with Naida and Mako being a happy couple with Korra being a mute sister.

The rally begins as Amon and his followers reveal themselves on the stage. Amon begins by sharing his life story with the audience.

Amon also tells the crowd that the spirits have granted him the ability to take away a person's bending permanently. He demonstrates this ability on the leader of the Triple Threat Triad, Lightning Bolt Zolt, causing his lightning to slowly degrade into fire, and finally stopping it completely. With this, he declares that the era of bending has come to an end and that a revolution has begun.

Unwilling to let this happen to Bolin, Mako comes up with a plan to save him. He tells Naida to create a distraction using the steam from the nearby boilers while he rescues his brother.

Just as Naida works her sabotage, she is spotted by the doorman, "Hey! What are you doing?!"

"Uh- looking for a bathroom?" She weakly claims.

Seeing as her opponent does not believe her, Naida quickly subdues the doorman by hand-to-hand combat, ending the fight by slamming him against the boiler, which consequently releases steam. She quickly waterbends the steam toward the stage, creating a cover which catches the Equalists off guard, just before Amon can use his technique on Bolin.

The three get Bolin and escape. The two brother return to their home as Korra and Naida return to the island.

Tenzin embraces the two, happy to see them. He informs them he was worried and was about to send the Order of the White Lotus to find them.

"Have you found your friend?" Naida nods as Korra replies with a yes. Korra then continues telling him about what they had saw at the Equalists' assembly. Though at first Tenzin finds the thought of Amon possessing such an ability impossible, as only the Avatar had mastered it, he quickly believes Korra and becomes clearly concerned.

"the revolution is now more dangerous than ever. No bender is safe." He states as they glance at the shining Republic City.

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