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When we reach the house we all split into different directions. Stark went straight to the shed and Clint followed him no doubt going to his nest.

The girls wanted showers so Scarlett used the downstairs shower and Widow used the upstairs one. Captain grabbed some shorts and said he was going to the gym.

Falcon disappeared to do some research in the file room while Thor sat down in the living room with some pop tarts and Banner went for a nap. Since the showers inside were being used I gathered some jeans, a tank top, a towel and undergarments and shoved them all into a bag.

Winter asked me where I was going and when I told him he decided to go to the gym to spar with Captain.

Winter and I didn't talk while crossing the yard. We didn't speak while climbing down the shaft. We spoke only five words combined before splitting off.
"Не обижайтесь" Don't get hurt.
"Я не буду" I won't.
With a nod I walk away to the bathroom.

The floor is heated so my feet won't be  cold, and the light is automatic so I don't have to worry about getting grease or oil on the light switch when I am fixing or building something. I quickly turn on the water allowing it to steam before undressing and stepping in.

The water burns my back but I allow it to continue until turning so that the water hits my front. After washing my hair and conditioning it I turn off the water and reach for my towel.

Peeking out through the fogged shower door I see that my towel has fallen to the floor even though it was folded and put up against the wall.

I forgot to lock the door.

Grabbing my towel and covering myself quickly I walk to the door and lock it, once I am satisfied I turn to the mirror.

Curious to know if I am getting my suppressed powers back I try to use them, "I want to be a blonde haired blue eyed girl."
Concentrating my hair slowly changes to a dirty blond while my eyes change to a hazel colour. Close enough.

My hair turn to deep brown and curly. My eyes go so brown they are almost black. Putting on my undergarments, shrugging on my jeans and pulling my tank top over my head I wrap my hair up in the towel.

Walking out of the bathroom I go to the gym to find the file rooms hatch open but no one other than me in the gym.

I can hear Falcon, Captain and Winter. Quietly going down the ladder I listen to their conversation.

"She has Riley in my file. She managed to get information on Riley. He's dead and she has him classified as my friend and even has a picture of him."
"Buck how would she have gotten information on him?"
"She's always been good at understanding, hacking and finding things and more than sometimes people. When she made me a file in HYDRA she was really thorough. My parents name and my sisters name. All the missions I went on with the Commando's. Everything. If she found things like that she can find anything."

I remember making and hiding that file. HYDRA didn't want Winter knowing he had a life before he was an asset they wanted him thinking he was like me. Raised as a soldier, raised as a killer.

"But he's dead. She doesn't even have him classified as dead."
"Point being? She doesn't label anyone as dead until she sees their grave, their blood on her hands or the bullet pierce there skull or heart."
"That's morbid and disgusting."
"Well it's true. She made me take her with me in some of my missions just so she could classify them dead with confidence that they weren't going to get up and continue on.
"She was what HYDRA wanted me to be. I trained her for the field until she went to the Red Room she was even better when she came back to me. Ugh my head hurts."
"Steve what are you doing?"

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