Mail Call

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(Winter's P.O.V.)

Since we have been back at the tower the mood has been set as tense and sad. With Steve's birthday coming up I have asked Tony to plan a small party. By small I mean just the team, I think he is planning on taking us to the fireworks at his Miami house. Well mansion.

Thinking of Tony I wander to the lab hopping he has something on where Jess is now. When I get to the lab he is on a computer with his back to me. In the search bar there is what I assume is a postal code, 606730. The arrow pointing to the region that has this code is in a large tree growth and has two towns near it. Both large and somewhere that Jess would not go.

"What's the code from?"
"A box came. It's for Steve."
"What's in it?"
"I don't know. I don't want to open it but get him and he might."
"Okay. Be right back."

I run to Steve's room getting lost after missing a turn twice. "FRIDAY?"
A computerized voice sounds from the speaker closest to me "yes Sargent Barnes?"
"How do I get to Steve's room?"
A small pause. "Take a right up ahead. Mr. Stark has the door labeled with a picture of the Captain's sheild."
"Thank you FRIDAY."
"You're welcome Mr. Barnes."

Running to the door that has Steve's sheild on it I knock.
"Who is it?"
"It's Buck." The door opens revealing a worried Steve "There's something in the lab that Tony and I need your help with."

Halfway back to the lab
"What am I helping with?"
"A box."
"What's in it?"
"We don't know. The seal has your name on it though."
"The seal?"
"When we get there you'll understand."
He looked to me with a raised eyebrow but says nothing.

When we make it back to the lab or I guess it would be to the lab for Steve, the computer is still on but the area on the screen is also being projected as a hologram above a table. "What is that for?"
"Something Steve. There's a box on the table." Steve looks around at the multiple tables but doesn't see anything. "Which table?"
"Oh right, the one closest to my computer."
He goes over to the table and opens the cardboard box that has a paper seal holding it closed. Instead of ripping it open like Tony or I would he grabs a pen off of the table and cuts the paper seal as best as he can. Once the seal has been broken and the box opened, he starts to pull out tissues paper, and lots of it. After pulling out about ten sheets he pulls out a smaller box that has string wrapped around it being held by a wax seal that was common in the 1800's. "Tony what kind of joke is this?"
"What, that box came this morning. From somewhere in Russia."
"Yah. I'm guessing someone sent it for your birthday."
"The only person we don't know where is."
"Meaning what Tony?" I can hear the edge in Steve's voice as he says this.
"What he means punk, is that he thinks Jess sent you a present for your birthday."
"Can you find her based on where the package came from?"
"That's what I'm trying to do dumbbutt."
"Then why do you have a hologram of Central Park?"
Since Tony and I had both moved to stand beside Steve we hadn't noticed the hologram change from a Russian forest to the main park of New York.

"FRIDAY what happened to my hologram?"
The same computerized voice from earlier comes over the speaker "I said not to look for me Tony. I would have hoped you would have respected my wishes. Say sorry to FRIDAY for me, I didn't want to override her. Oh and Steve? Have fun on your birthday."
"Jess can you hear us?"


"Tony can you track where that came from?"
"No. The signal is bouncing anywhere. It's impossible to trace."

After a few somber moments of quiet
"Okay. Should I open this now or later?"
"It's for your birthday Steve. Open it then. And yes Jamesy I can hear you."
"I have my ways Jamesy."
"Jess. You should be here. We all think that."
"Ask Natalia about the voice she keeps hearing. I can tell that's it's starting to bother her."
"How the hell-are you in my security cameras?"
"Yes. I am Stark. You need a better firewall. Yours only took five minutes to crack. I have to go now. Love you all."
A static goes through the speakers she was speaking through and FRIDAY comes back on. "Sir's we- are you all okay?"
"Yes FRIDAY. We had a issue but if someone from that IP address try's to fit through again let them. But try to locate the server. Please."
"Yes sir. Anything else?"
"No. Thank you."
FRIDAY is probably still here but is keeping quiet and listening. "We should go talk to Nat."
"Yah. Tony you coming?"
"No Steve. I'm going to keep trying to find your girlfriend."
"Tony she's not-"
"Shut up Capsicle. I don't want to hear you say anything about her not being anything to you. She wanted to be with you, she said so."
"In her goodbye video. Remember?"
"Yah. Com'on Buck, let's go find Nat."

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