Scar Count

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(Winter's P.O.V.)

"I killed, tortured and spilt the blood of so many people. It was my turn to shed blood."

When Silver said these words she looked at the floor while my heart shattered. She had shed blood while in HYDRA. The scars on her neck from the The Hulk prove it. If she needs reminding I will be the one to remind her.

"You shed blood while in our hell. You shed blood during missions, training, and when you were being tortured. What scars did you have when you started doing this to yourself?"

She looks at me and scrunched her eyebrows together in thought. Her hand taps her legs a few times and once against her side.
"Six. Two gun shot. Three from HYDRA and one from Banner."
"And how many are you neglecting to tell us?"
Barely in a whisper Silver replies "a few."
"You had four bullets hit you in a single mission. You took them and prevented them from hitting me. You had a throwing knife lodge itself on the inside of your left thigh, it didn't stop you from fighting to protect a president taking a second knife to your back." I pause trying to think of other things she has done to earn herself scars. "Hell you even took a bullet to the back of your neck. You might heal faster than Steve here but you almost died, you took that bullet to save a little girl. She was maybe six, and she was wearing a little pink dress just like the one that you came to me in. You have shed enough blood. So I will ask you again. Why did you do this?"

Steve looks at her in disbelief, I know that even though he has been through so much, that he was put through so much pain. Pain that is both physical and mental she has been through so much more. More than anyone should have to go through.

"James. I don't want to talk about it."
"I don't care. Why did you do it?"

She looks at the ground and Sam walks in. Good, we might need a therapist.

She changes the subject to get the attention off of her, something she has always been good at "Falcon how did you find us?"
"Came looking for you three, saw them practically dragging you over here so I figured I'd come see what's so important. And this is pretty cool."

Steve buts in before I can say anything, "Silver used this room as something that can't really be described as cool."
Sam raises an eyebrow and looks at the wall where the two knives are still stuck. He notices the blood and he knows what happened. "There's blood on those. Did you kill someone?"
"Then whose blood is it?"
"My own."
"What are those reasons?"
"My own reasons."
"Okay, but I want to know what they are."
"I left someone I care about to get hurt and probably tortured because of me."
I don't get it, but I do once Silver looks to the ground and the others look to -oh. She means me.

"They didn't hurt me when you left. They thought you were dead so they didn't even bother looking for you."
"You were still sent on missions. You were sent to kill your best friend, sent to kill people that you might of known. If I was still there I could and would have done all that instead of you. So you wouldn't have to live with the fact that you tried to kill your friends."
"If I wouldn't have been on that mission to DC, Steve wouldn't have known that I was still alive. When you 'died' I was happy that you got away from our hell but I was broken because you were 'dead'. Because I couldn't protect you even after all the times you protected me."

She walks to the wall and pulls out one of the knives. It was bent and unfixable. Same with the second knife that she pulled from the wall. "You kept me safe. And I left you. I left you there alone with no one on your side. I found you after DC and I let you get away from me again. I left you alone twice. Once in HYDRA and once in DC. I should have came back for you. But I didn't."
Her voice cracks as she finishes what she was saying.

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