Part 71

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As the brothers burst into her room Death froze, not something she does often unless in a cryogenic freeze.

Loki raised a hand to his mouth, almost instantly knowing what is affecting her. Seeing it once before his mother pushed him from the room and continuing to help the healers with a patient.

An old poison that has a never had a complete cure, and even that is hard to get. It may as be impossible to get it's so rare. Only Mother Frigga knew the recipe of the top of her head, and only a few Asgard Healers know how to make it. The ingredients are stupidly rare and hard to get.

Thor noticed his brothers state and instantly picks up the lady laying on the floor trying to clean and bandage the wound on her stomach.

Bruce is just exiting the hospital as the brothers round the corner, Death is being carried bridal style and is ghostly pale. Poison works quick if administered to the correct spot. A small leg wound would take months to kill her. A wound like the one she has takes only a few days of agonizing pain to kill her.

Bruce doesn't know the poison she has contracted, he does know about the hostage she brought aboard and that Pietro took to his old Hospital Room.

Before he can hightail it to the man, Loki stops him. "The poison of Wyrd." Thor stops and stares at his brother and then to the girl breaking out into a cold sweat on the table he set her on. He lowly mutters to himself "The Poison of Fate."

Bruce doesn't know what to do, he doesn't know how to cure this Poison of Fate as Thor calls it. He turns to Loki fear in his eyes. "How do I heal it?"
"We need an Asgardian Healer. Even then we may not be able to save her." He replies lowly.

The younger sibling grabs hold of his brother, dragging him to the roof and calling for Hiemdal to take them back to Asgard.

"Bruce, get James. I need to speak to him about Aly."

Bruce runs to find her child's father while Death is left alone on a metal table, pain making her shake uncontrollably.

Bruce runs into Bucky's room, finding him leaning against the bed and his daughter asleep on it. Silently Bruce becomes for the man to follow him. He doesn't tell him what's happening despite the man asking and waking both Steve and Natasha as the two run down the hall.

Bruce leads James back to where his friend lay, jaw set in pain but with no tears to speak of. Small purple lines spreading from the original wound.

"Jessica?" He rarely calls her this unless worried or mad.
"I'll be fine Jamesy. But just in case we need to talk about Aly and the team."
"No, you're going to be fine. What happened?"
"I went into the base alone. I though I had cleared it and walked out like an idiot. I was in my own world, then I got shot. Loki said it's 'Poison of Wyrd, Wyrd means fate."

A strangled choke emerges from the mans throat, "Your going to be fine."
"James. It's called Fate. I'm going to die sooner or later. Aly ne- Aly needs you and the team to be there for her."

Steve and Natasha stand still in the doorway. Bruce noticed them first coughing when he does. The other two notice the ones at the door, Death beckons them over. "You can't let Aly know just yet. Please James." There's sweat on her brow dripping into her eyes she's blinking rapidly to keep the water out.

"Jess?" Steve has his hand on he table his girlfriend is laying on. He's looking at the wound, and Natasha has only taken a glance before turning her gaze to the face of the wounded.

The others on the team all lay asleep, some with nightmares dancing behind their eyelids and some just staring at the black that lays behind them.

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