Note to Write

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It's been three weeks. Three weeks of training, killing, experiments, covering Aly's eyes as blood is splattered everywhere picking her up and taking her from the room.

I have stayed true to my word and haven't left Aly alone with Anatoly. I have either been with her or when I'm not Anatoly is with me, in a laboratory, while I'm on a table sometimes screaming sometimes grinding my teeth. No matter what I always try to have a smile on in front of my daughter. It still feel wearied to call her that, even though she calls me mom. I keep telling her about James, sometimes I catch myself talking about his best friend Steve. Aly has wiped tears from my face that I didn't notice fall. She asked ''whose Steve?"
"Well, your dad and I aren't together, we are best friends though. Steve is your fathers best friend and also the second man I've ever loved."
"Is he gonna be my new dad?"
"Well if we get out of here, and everything goes right he might be your step-dad. James will always be your father. Steve might only ever be Steve." With that a few tears fall. I'm once again stuck on a table bare back against a metal table with only a sports top and shorts on I have needles injecting into my neck, tubes in my nose and one shoved down my esophagus pumping my morning rations out of my stomach, Anatoly is checking my heart rate, blood pressure and and vitals. "You know, your daughter is not what we were hoping for when we began the breeding idea. We hopped for a boy. We don't need her so when ever you desire to get her from my clutches I will arrange transport for her to meet and stay with her father if you stay here." He pauses to loon from his clip bored to me " I know your curious as to what I am talking about but remember I was a father. Alex was my pride and joy, until that agent went rogue and shot him."

He freezes while looking at the monitor beside my head. A shrill beep sounds telling him that I no longer have a heart beat or that a wire became disconnected. Since he walks around me checking the wires he finds nothing. He tells a female assistant to check for a heart beat. She finds none. "How are you still alive?" I look at him and raise an eyebrow "right. One second and I'll have that tube out." He pulls it from my throat with a grunt and sets it on the table beside me "so. How is it that without a heart beat you are still alive?"
"I'm messed up. My guess that whatever you are currently pumping through my veins is keeping me alive, once you take me off them you will have to restart my heart."
"You my dear have been spending to much time in here."
"No shit Sherlock."
"Relax now, I need you alive, the sooner we get the child from here the better."
"What's the real reason you don't want her here?"
"I'm a trained assassin, I interrogated a lot of people. I know when they lie. So, I ask again why don't you want her here?"
"You're becoming attached, and this is no way for a child to grow up. I've seen you cover her eyes during kill days. Turn her away so her back is facing you and people that are sent to be killed. She needs both her mother and father, unfortunately she can only have one, and since you are here she needs to go to her father. I'm sure that Wanda will be a good substitute or fill in until you escape again."
"Prepare transportation for her. I have a note to write and then order me to drop Aly off at the Avengers tower," he starts to walk out of the room "after you detach all these wires and stuff from me thanks."
"Right sorry. I'm getting old, I am becoming forgetful."
I never though about it, but he has to be at least 70 years old. If I'm to be 40 something and he was already about 30 when I got into HYDRA he's getting old. "When you die who will take over my operations?"
"Until they find a substitute for me they are planning on putting you in Cryogenic freeze. It could be a few weeks or it could be decades before they find another doctor."
"How old are you?"
"I am 81 years old. I may have been in Cryogenic Freeze for a few years to keep me looking young but I'm rather, stuck as an old man. James and I are about the same age I believe."
"Why did that agent go rogue?"
"Because he and I had a spat. He was going to find you while you were unconscious and in the infirmary. I wasn't sure what he would have done but I had you moved rooms just in case."
"Thank you. But why did he attack your son and not me?"
He pulls the last tube from my leg and moved to pull the one from my nose "To get back at me."
He pulls it out and I cough. The heart monitor beeps and shows that I once again have a heart beat.

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