Chapter 29

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Kira sits at the pond watching the turtle ducks swim around. She thinks back to three years ago, just after Zuko's banishment.

"What a stunning view" Iroh says standing behind Zuko and Kira, looking out at the horizon from their ship

Zuko has covering over his fresh scar "The only view I'm interested in seeing is the Avatar in chains"

"But Zuko" Kira looks at him "The Avatar hasn't been seen for one hundred years. The chances of finding him here are very slim"

Zuko looks determined "First we'll check each of the air temples, then we'll scour the world, searching even the most remote locations until we find him"

"Prince Zuko, it's only been a week since your banishment. You should take some time to heal and rest" Iroh suggests

"What else would I expect to hear from the laziest man in the Fire Nation?" Zuko questions annoyed "The only way to regain my honor is to find the Avatar, so I will"

Iroh sighs and walks away.

"Uncle Iroh is only trying to help" Kira tells Zuko "the avatar could be dead for all we know"

"We'll keep searching as long as we have to" Zuko says "until we can go home.. Kira you know you didn't have to come"

Kira placed her hand on his shoulder "yes.. I did"


"Iroh... escaped?" Kira asks

"During the eclipse" Azula tells her as she takes a bit of an apple "Not that it matters.. right?"

"of course not" Kira waves her hands "just surprised that's all..."

Zuko looks out at sea "If I have to, I will spend every day of the rest of my life hunting the Avatar. I know it's my destiny to capture him"

"And we will" Kira says comfortingly "we both will"

Iroh places a hand on their shoulders "You know Prince Zuko, Princess Kira, destiny is a funny thing. You never know how things are going to work out. But if you keep an open mind, and an open heart, I promise you will find your own destiny someday"


Kira looks up at Azula "s-sorry I was spacing out, what?"

"We're going to go train, are you coming?" Azula asks

"Oh" Kira's eyes went down to her stomach then back at Azula "I'm not really in a good mind set to train right now"

"alright" Azula pats her back "take it easy alright"

Kira watches as Azula leaves then sighs.



Kira wakes up from sleeping to see Azula standing at her door "What is it now Azula"

"Zuko was captured" Azula says excitedly "come on let's go, he's imprisoned at the boiling rock"

Azula runs out leaving Kira to get changed. Kira changed rather quickly and met up with Azula outside where they prepared to leave. After a decently long journey they see the volcano where the prison is.

Kira stares at the volcano "Zuko.."

Princess Kira (Zuko love story, ATLA)Where stories live. Discover now