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These are all the four pilot episodes in one chapter if you want to know.

The episode begins in a small village in the hills, and in that village some farmers were hard at work standing in a pond planting weeds in the water. Then walking down the path was an old man with a long white beard and mustache. He was dressed in white robes, wearing a conical hat and had a bamboo walking stick. He stopped to look at a building that was at the top of the hill where the path he was walking ended.

The building was a blacksmith shop and inside stood a boy and a girl. The boy had spiky brown hair, was wearing red pants, a white shirt, and a brown apron. The girl had a black bob haircut, red lipstick, and was wearing a sleeveless red dress.

So while the girl was standing around, the boy was busy forging a sword by hammering it on an anvil when it had just been heated.

"To forge the perfect weapon you first need the right metal and plenty of heat," the boy said as he took it off the anvil, "cool it off," he said dunking it in a barrel of water, "and presto!" But when he took it out, the sword was all bent and curvy.

The girl chuckled. "You made it too quickly Kai, be patient if dad was still here he'd say..."

"I know, 'no matter how much fire you have, experience isn't something you learn overnight'." The boy named Kai said. "That may work for you Nya, but I'm going to be a better blacksmith than dad ever was."

Just then the same old man walking down the road arrived up at the entrance of the blacksmith shop.

"Hmm, your metal is loud and heavy. Useful to slow one down, useless in the art of stealth." He said looking at the weapons and helmets. "All tolls for a samurai, but nothing for a ninja?"

"Ninja? You're a long way from finding a ninja in these parts old man, and the shop is called 'four weapons' not 'for browsing' either buy something or go peddle your insults somewhere else." Kai said impatient.

"Ha! Too bad, thought I might find something special here." The old man said turning to leave.

Nya motioned for her brother to show the old man around.

"If it's something special you're looking for, let me sh..." Kai turned to find the old man had gone.

"What is it?" Nya asked.

"He was just...forget it." Kai said putting a helmet down.

Just then out of nowhere, a dark cloud rose over the hills turning the daytime sky as black as night. Farmers stopped what they were doing and saw giant motorbikes and a giant monster truck, and piloting each vehicle were...skeletons?

"Let me go first, please oh please, I'm dying to go down there." Said a skeleton named Nuckal who was in the monster truck. He had a bony Mohawk and a right eyepatch.

"You nitwit you're already dead." Try to control yourself in front of master Samukai." A skeleton named Kruncha who was also in the monster truck, wearing a samurai helmet. "Uh, with all due respect, you did say that I could go first."

"Sorry boys, this one's mine." The skeleton named Samukai smiled. "Just remember what we're after, and find that map. Attack!"

With that the skull motorbikes and the skull truck charged down the hill. Farmers charged and tried to fight the skeletons, but Samukai frightened them off with a simple, "Boo!"

"What are they?" Asked Nya.

Kai put on armor, a helmet, and grabbed a sword. "I don't know, stay here." He said.

Soon he was fighting skeletons, but one dislodged his head and bit Kai on the foot.

"Ow! Bite this!" He said kicking the head far into the sky. Two brainless skeletons clapped giving Nya the perfect opportunity to knock them down with a bamboo staff.

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