Would You Like to Enter Prime Empire?

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(In Ninjago City, a citizen playing Lava Zombies on his phone bumps into another citizen on her phone. They wave and move along. A noodle truck drives by. Clutch Powers finds the Teapot of Tyrahn and opens it, where a poof of orange smoke appears. Gayle Gossip walks by Laughy's, where Dareth escorts two ladies out. He sees Gayle and chases after her. Jake is playing on his phone in a car driving by. Vinny has stopped by a noodle food cart and wafts in the noodle smell delightedly. Nelson and Antonia team up to deliver newspapers throughout the city. Sammy waves as they both take off. The Noodle Truck reappears and drives into an alley during the night. The Mechanic and his henchmen jump out from the back of the truck. The Mechanic uses his robo-arm to break down the door of an old electronics warehouse.)

The Mechanic: We're in, boys!

Henchman 1: Huh, look at all this old junk.

The Mechanic: (Grabs him.) Just because it's old doesn't make it junk, just forgotten. (Tosses him away.) Find the motherboard! (He walks down the aisle while his henchmen search. He sees a box full of motherboards.) There! The top shelf. (One of his henchmen puts up a ladder and climbs it. He loses his balance when grabbing the box and everything in it comes crashing down. He lands inside a box of Styrofoam and The Mechanic grabs him out and tosses him away.) Careful with those! (He picks up the box and tosses it away.)

Henchman 2: What are we looking for, Boss?

The Mechanic: (He eyes the motherboards scattered and picks up a different one than all the rest.) This is it. A needle in a haystack. A very, very valuable needle. (Lights immediately turn on and they cover their eyes.)

Nya: Sorry to crash the party, boys! (The ninja jump down from above to face them.)

Jay: Guess our invitations got lost in the mail, huh? (He reaches behind to grab his weapon.)

Lloyd: No weapons, guys. These are just low level thugs.

Cole: (Punches the air.) My fists are my weapons.

Coral: (Readies her Crystals.) So are our powers.

Zane: I would not classify the Mechanic as low-level. He's suspected in thirty-six unsolved criminal cases.

The Mechanic: Thirty-seven. (He extends his robo-arm and knocks Zane back into a pile of boxes.)

Izzy: (On Coral's shoulder.) I'll assume that's number thirty-seven.

Jay: You're not getting away that easy.

The Mechanic: Who's trying to get away?! There are more of us than you! (He looks back to see his henchmen trying to escape. He gestures them to come back and they do so reluctantly, pulling our their bats.) And we're not afraid to use our weapons. (He lights up his fire arm and sticks it out at them.)

Cole: Whoa.

Lloyd: Whoa. (He jumps over it while the others move back.)

Jay: I have no problem using these! (He takes three floppy disks and tosses it at The Mechanic.) Take that, obsolete file formats! (One of them hits his arm holding the motherboard and it goes flying through the air.)

Kai: (He dives for it and catches it.) Unh. (He looks up to see the henchmen surrounding him and they start dogpiling him, fighting for the motherboard.) Hunh-ahh! (He tosses it and it lands in one of the henchmen's hands. He smiles and climbs up the ladder.)

Lloyd: (He throws down one of the henchmen.) I got him! (He leaps up onto the shelf and chases him to the last shelf. The henchman takes out his bat and starts waving it at him.)

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