Misfortune Rising

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(Police car sirens wail as they head toward the police department.)

Commissioner: Find me those ninja! They can't just break out of Kryptarium and completely disappear. I want witnesses, I want locations. These fugitives are ninja, people. They could be right under our noses for all we know.

Nya: (Disguised as a cop, she whispers into her communication device.) All right, I'm in their secured network. But I still need that password.

Jay: (Also disguised as a cop.) I'm looking for it now, but I don't get it. Why do we have to hack into their system when we already have a Nindroid?

Nya: (Whispering) Because Nindroids don't know everything. And if Soto says the map is the only thing that can stop Nadakhan is on his ship, we need to find it. And find it fast.

Jay: (Deep voice) Hey, real fast, what's the password again?

Tommy: The password is "password."

Jay: (Whispering) Got that?

Nya: (Whispering) That worked. Now searching city records for the last known whereabouts of his ship, Misfortune's Keep. Speaking of which, hey, Kai, how's Destiny's Bounty holding up?

Kai: I got my eyes on it now, sis. We sure could use it. (He touches an electric fence.) Ow! Careful, Zane and Coral. It's electrified.

Zane: I believe all of the signs on this repo yard made that abundantly clear.

Coral: Yeah, read the signs.

Zane: Perhaps there's another suitable solution past this obstacle. Airjitzu? (He flies over the fence.)

Kai: You don't have to sound so cocky. (He follows.)

Coral: Haha. Now you see how we feel around you.

Repo Man: Looks like we have some trespassers. Go get them, Sir Chomps-A-Lot.

Nya: (Whispering) Okay, I've located Nadakhan's ship. It was last recorded to be seen in Gypsy Cove. Three klicks north of Cannon Beach.

Cole: (Him and lloyd are on their Elemental dragons with Izzy.) Thanks, Delara. Oh, I mean, Nya. (Lloyd laughs.)

Nya: (Whispering) Not funny. Let's see how you like it when you look like our enemy's sweetheart.

Izzy: She's right you know. That's just bad luck for her.

Lloyd: Gypsy Cove isn't far. We'll let you know what we see when we get there.

(Kai and Coral are on lookout while Zane tries to break the Bounty's restraints.)

Kai: Would you hurry up?

Zane: These chains will take me a while. You could keep interrupting me or perhaps start making yourself useful. (Kai tries to melt the chains but the Repo Man's dog starts chasing him.)

Kai: Aah! Get away, get a—Get away, get away, get away!!

Repo Man: Trespasser! Don't move! (He shoots at Zane, but misses and breaks the chain instead.)

Kai: I told you to hurry up!

Coral: We have bigger problems right now Kai!

Zane: Would you be quiet and run? (Their screams are transferred to Nya's communication device. The other police officers look at her curiously.)

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