Ghost Story

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(The ninja are being chased by Morro's dragon.)

Wu: Take positions.

Cole: Ah, I give you this much: That ninja never quits.

Zane: Port side! (The Bounty evades dragon fire.)

Cole: The cannons!

Jay: (He fires the cannons at him, but misses.) Aah! Let me get this straight. You're just telling us now that you had another pupil before us along with Amethyst, and now his cursed spirit has possessed Lloyd, all so that he can take your staff?

Wu: Morro won't stop until he gets what he's after. There's a secret message engraved on it. All these years, I had no idea.

Jay: Of course. Ha, just another day in Ninjago. (Morro starts catching up.)

Cole: If this is as fast as the Bounty goes, I think we're in for some serious trouble.

(Morro laughs as he lands on the Bounty.)

Wu: I need ink and parchment to make an imprint to see what's on the staff.

Zane: Kai, Coral, Amethyst, and I will take you to our quarters while Jay and Cole will keep him busy.

Cole: Oh, that's honorable of you to nominate us.

Jay: Yeah, we didn't fare so hot last time. Why is it you get off with the easy task?

Zane: Because I'm the intelligent one.

Coral: He's got you there.

Jay: Ah, let's take this guy. (They fight him.)

Nya: Why am I steering the ship? There's a reason autopilot was invented. (She activates an inflatable Dareth and runs off.)

Jay: Oh, great.

Nya: (Nya dodges Morro's attacks, which deflates the inflatable Dareth.) Oh, that's not good. (The ninja scream as the Bounty swerves. Morro makes his way into the ship where the others are.)

Zane: Our quarters aren't much further. Go, Sensei, Amethyst. Kai, Coral, and I will hold him back.

Cole: We'll crash if we don't stabilize the Bounty.

Nya: (She makes her way to the steering wheel.) Ugh. Come on, pull up. Pull up!

(Zane, Coral, and Kai fight Morro, but Zane is hit on the head with a crate.)

Morro: Your team will fall apart without its Green leader.

Kai: I'll lead them. And make sure you go down if it's the last thing I do.

Coral: Sensei says you won't give up. Well, neither will we!

(Jay and Cole catch up with Nya.)

Jay: Ah! Are you aiming for that mountain?

Nya: Trying to rise above it! Ugh, a little help?

(As Cole and Jay help out, Nya turns on the boosters. The Bounty barely misses the mountain, making a hole in which Kai and Coral almost fall out of.)

Zane: I'm coming, you two!

Kai: Aah! (Morro tries to make him fall by using his wind.)

Wu: You want the staff? Take it! (He throws the staff out and Morro chases after it. Zane catches Kai before he falls out.)

Zane: Got you.

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