Dyer Island

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(The ninja are in The Mechanic's headquarters looking for Jay.)

Nya: (Calls out.) Jay? Where is he?

Cole: Well, he has to be here somewhere.

Lloyd: Unless he got too scared and left?

Nya: By himself? Without telling us?

Izzy: (Slithers around before going up on Coral's shoulder.) He's like a puppy or a kitty. Excited one moment, and freaking out the next. 

Zane: There's always a reasonable explanation.

Nya: (She goes to the arcade cabinet and accidentally presses the keys.) Oops.

Game Voice: Would you like to enter Prime Empire?

Nya: Wait. Jay got the game working? (She looks around at the Arcade Pod and opens the cabinet up.) Unh.

Kai: What's the "reasonable explanation" for an arcade cabinet having a secret chamber?

Cole: (Shrugs. Then he looks up and points.) A security camera! That'll have the answers. Zane can you pull up the video on this computer. (Zane goes to the computer and brings up a video. It starts by showing them entering into the secret headquarters.)

Past Lloyd: (One of the robot arms falls on him and he shouts in surprise, throwing it off of him.) Ahh!

Lloyd: Um, you can fast-forward that part. (Zane and Cole look at him curiously.) In fact, we should erase this after we're done. (Izzy and Coral snicker and Zane fast-forwards it to the part where Jay has the game working and a wave explodes, knocking Jay down. Zane pauses it.)

Kai: Whoa! Did you see that?

Coral: Kind of. It happened so fast and I think I blinked.

Cole: Rewind that.

Zane: (He rewinds the video.) Appears to be some sort of energy wave.

Nya: Well, what does that mean?

Lloyd: Keep fast-forwarding. (Zane fast-forwards it to the part where the game opens up for Jay to enter. He disappears and the game blacks out just as his friends come. Zane pauses it and they all glance back at the game.)

Nya: Where did Jay go?

Cole: He—he never came out.

Kai: I'm starting to think this is no ordinary game.

Izzy: What gave you that idea? Was it the massive energy wave, or the fact that Jay went inside it and never came back? 

Nya: That thing took Jay!

Cole: Maybe to find Jay we have to play the game?

Zane: That would be exceedingly dangerous. Whatever happened to Jay would likely happen to us.

Lloyd: You can't take the chance. Not until we know what we're dealing with. We need answers.

Kai: From who?

(Lloyd scratches his chin, thinking.)

Coral: I might know someone. And I think we all know him. 

(At the Ninjago City Police Station, they question The Mechanic.)

Kai: (Slaps a file down with Unagami's symbol on it in front of the seated Mechanic.) What is this symbol?

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