Chapter 3

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"WAKE UP!" Sam shouted at me hitting a wooden spoon to a pan.

"What time is it?" I mumbled.

"It's freaking 8:30 am!" He shouted. "Get up, asshole!"

"What the fuck?" I jumped out of my bed.

"Finally," he rolled his eyes.

"I'll be down in 10 minutes," I told him, taking my towel.

"Just 10 minutes." He asked. "Otherwise I'm going without you."

"Okay," I told him.

Sam went down and I rushed into the bathroom.

Exactly within 10 minutes I was down, tying my shoe laces.

Sam came from the kitchen and looked at  me.

"Not bad, you're ready." he said, looking at me.

"Shut up, and lets go." I said to him rolling my eyes.

He looked around as if he was searching something.

"But where's your bag?" He asked looking around me.

"I kept it in the car — only so that we don't get late." I sheepishly informed.

"Well it doesn't make a difference now, does it?"He looks at  me as if  I'd done something real bad.

"Kind of," I said, not making eye contact.

"If you want I'll drive," I suggested.

"No thanks, I don't wanna reach school even late." He said, taking the car keys.

"Hey! I'm not so bad!" I fired back.

"In fact you haven't even seen me driving. Please, let me drive. I promise we will reach school early." I pleaded.

"Fine," He  sighed, handing me the car keys.

I walked to the car while Sam locked the house.

I opened the car and sat in the driver's seat and Sam came and sat in the passenger's seat.

"Put on your seat belt," I said to him.

"I'm not a kid. Just start driving." He said.

"Okay then, later don't tell me to stop. Once I start I will stop only at school." I started the engine.


As  I started driving in almost full speed, I heard Sam literally screaming my name.

"MAYA! Slow down!" He shouted, clutching his seat at the sides.

"Chill, bro, we will reach school in time." I replied, smirking.

Within 15 minutes we had reached school.

Sam looked nauseous.

"Are you fine?" I asked him.

"I'm fine," He replied, "I just need some water."

I took out his water bottle from his bag and handed it to him.


"Thanks, and you were right, we reached school before bell rang." He said

"My pleasure." I smiled at  him.

"You go, I'll park the car, otherwise you are going to hit the car somewhere." he chuckled.

"Okay" I replied.


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